Page 29 of Southpaw Slots
I scan through names of staff members, but I can’t recall a Clare. Smeath gets a sparkle in his eye and replies, “Ofcourse, Mrs. Donovan. We’ll get her right where she needs to be.”
With a little smile on her face, she takes a bite of her breakfast and squirms on my thighs. “That’s all. Thank you.”
As if the three of us men are stunned into submission, all of us move slowly back into positions. Kline backwards walks from the hall. Smeath snaps his fingers and yells for that Clare person, who apparently is a tiny thing—oh, yeah, I think I did fuck her once. Huh.
Arianna tosses her chestnut hair over her shoulder into my face and gives me a sly grin, then pecks her lips to my cheek as my respect for her force climbs. My wife just made sure I didn’t have anyone else to look at here.
Fuck, like I even could…
Is she…jealous?
I moan as I latch my lips onto her upper arm. “Who needs a gun when you’ve already got the sharpest weapon inside that pretty head of yours.”
“Mm, nonetheless.”
After our meal, we change into swimsuits and head into the backyard. Out past the private pool lies the open land heading into the forest, some fallen tree logsa perfect backdrop for our task. Sliding my handgun from my hip holster, I point it at the ground, and she eagerly holds her palms up for it.
“Listen, Arianna? There’re some rules here. Always treat the weapon as if it’s loaded. And only point it at something you’re going to destroy. Do you understand?”
She nods rapidly with her big brown eyes like she’s getting a lollipop.
“No, repeat it back to me,” I say like a stern father.
Placing a hand on her hip, she tilts her head with annoyance. “Treat it as if it’s loaded and only point at something I’m going to kill. I got it.”
I hesitate for a second, but then put the gun in her hand and show her how to hold it, as well as a proper stance. “No, never put your finger on the trigger unless you’re ready to shoot.”
Seemingly, she gets a bit shy, her body folding back into me and her arm shaking slightly as she aims for the base of a trunk.
Whispering in her ear, I tell her, “Use even pressure. Squeeze.”
She lowers the weapon to the ground and huffs out a breath. “I can’t concentrate. You smell too fucking good, and I canfeelyour cock in my back.”
Snickering, I notice she’s right and readjust myself in my shorts. Backing up two steps, I let her take the lead. She pops off her first shot that misses terribly.
“It’s loud!” she says, using her free hand to rub her ear.
“Yeah, we can come back with some ear protection if you want.”
She shakes her head and aims at the tree again, her little body set with determination. It’s such a juxtaposition. This formidable force in a tiny bikini. “No, I wanna unload.”
My heart warms as she sets her face like flint. I swallow back some emotion as I realize she’s exactly what I’ve needed. She’s a badass.
Coaching her on how to use the sight, she hits a couple on the base of the trunk, then lowers the gun and hops on her toes with excitement. I place a victory peck on her forehead. “Well done, sugar fingers. Nice shots.”
After lunch, we end up cooling off in the pool together, me tossing her around as she tries to fight me off. Laughing as she comes at me with her claws out, I hold her arms above her head, and she wraps her legs around my waist. It doesn’t work as well as she wanted, though, because I just use one hand to lower my shorts and slide her bottoms to the side and slip right in.
“I could get used to this,” I say, letting her arms go and pressing her against the side of the pool.
Her fingers snake through the sides of my hair as she gazes at me with sincerity. “Me, too.”
I hold inside her without even moving, and we let the waves wash over us while gazing at one another. Ijust want to be inside her. Have my body combined with hers. It makes me anxious when I’m not. A contented sigh escapes her lips as she undulates around my waist, then drops her head onto my shoulder, pressing her lips against my skin.
Is this intimacy? What I’ve wanted all along?
Getting a whiff of her intoxicating floral scent, I shove my hips up into her once. “What is that shampoo you used this morning?”
She whimpers with pleasure and bounces off me slowly. The soothing sensation around my cock makes my back arch, which has me pressing deeper within her walls. “Kevin Murphy. It’s calledAngel Wash.”