Page 34 of Southpaw Slots
Wyatt presses his lips to her temple and says, “Whatever you want, vix. Our balls are in your court.”
Snorting, I yell, “Simp!Listen, sugar tits. I don’t do well with rules; I’ll let you know that right now.”
Her chocolate eyes droop like a puppy’s as she turns to me. “Will you just hear me out?”
Placing my fork down, I give her my full attention. Fuck, if she looks like that any longer, I’ll buy her a yacht. I don’t have the money, but it can’t be that hard to steal one. “Sure.”
“I know I told you that you could have other women if Wyatt came over, but I don’t feel comfortable if we’re not going to use protection. I mean, if it’s just us three, then I think it should remain that way. And if you’re going to get me pregnant, I don’t want anyone else involved.”
Fucking Maxwell would have my head and cut off my funds if I had a mistress anyway, but now that she’s mine, like fully mine, I just want her. I want the fantasy. To somehow make her and I work so that we can have a big family like I’ve wanted. And I could see it in her eyes when we shared that moment together yesterday. It’s there in her soul with every kiss. Somehow, I gotta get rid of that fucker on the other side of her before he destroys us. But she seems to only want me if he’s around. Or, at least, that’s what she said before we had our day together.
“Fine.” Lifting my finger, I point it toward thegrease monkey. “Butheis not allowed to fuck your pussy or give you babies. That’smyjob.”
“Motherfucker. I’ve had avasectomy,” he pipes in, and relief floods my belly. Though I’m still a bit nervous he’s lying.
“How old are you, my dude? Don’t old guys usually do that?” I ask.
“I’m twenty-four and you’re the old man. What, aren’t you, like, thirty-eight or some shit?”
Fuck. I’d been slipping on my skincare routine since we made it to this house. “I’m twenty-eight?—”
“Twenty-nine,” Arianna interrupts me quietly.
I gasp, staring at her as Wyatt chuckles loudly. Whispering, I ask, “How’d you know that?”
“Because you’re my husband. Your birthday is June sixteenth. Your favorite color is purple, but you pretend it’s white. You won your first boxing match at fifteen and lost your first poker tournament at nineteen.” Swallowing a bite of pancakes, I continue to study her face in shock. “It was half a million dollars just before your parents…before they found them lying on their graves.”
Like she’s gloating with all her knowledge, she holds her head up high. Hearing her air all my dirty laundry in front of her lover makes me irate. Grinding my teeth, I hate to admit that I don’t know anything like that about her…mywife.
Pushing back in my chair, I seethe as Wyatt’s laughter turns to sobbing tears. I could fucking kill himright now. “I guess I can have Dot or Dash lookyouup to make things even.” Flattening my palm, I smack the shit out of the back of that douche’s head. “Andyou,too.”
As I storm off to the gym, it doesn’t take long before the rage turns to that throat closing sensation. I can’t work it off; I forgot my fucking shoes. When I spin to head back inside, probably to break something or someone, my crew comes strolling in.
Jinx yells with his annoying donkey bray. “My dude! They finally let us in!”
Cass comes over and claps my hand in his and gives my shoulder a bump. “My man. How’s married life? Where’s the princess?”
Dave’s smoking a joint and the smell fills my head with longing. “Give me a hit off that.” He reaches over and hands me the spliff. The first inhale hits mehard,until I cough so much, snot runs out of my nose. Hoss slaps me on the back a few times as Cass laughs.
“Guess it’s been a while, huh?”
Nodding, I regain my composure. “What is this shit? Tastes like skunk.”
Dave nods as Jinx interrupts, “Man, we can’t get anything else. Weneedthat bud from West Side. Can’t you make up with what’s his name?”
“Calum Von Dovish?The man who murdered my sister? Nah, Jinx. Not making up with him.”
“Yeah, none of us have gotten any blow, either.” Hoss scans the room for something to lift.
“Man, will they let you outta this pad? We could go fuck up his establishments,” Dave says, taking the joint back from me.
“Who? Cal’s? We did have that plan, didn’t we?” I ask.
“Yeah, until we got interrupted by… Wait a fucking second. Is thathim?! Is that the guy?” Cass announces to the group, and they all turn their heads.
Hoss pounces toward the glass door leading out to the pool area where Wyatt seems to be helping empress set up for a sunbathing session, making sure her umbrella is perfect. Before I can stop them, the pack heads out, aiming straight for him, Dave reaching the asshole first and shoving a forearm against his chest.
Wyatt stares at all of them without a hint of fear, only straightens up to full height. Arianna’s eyes widen as her mouth drops open. Standing at the back, I fix my hair, unsure really of what to do here. If they kill him, then she can’t be mad atme, right?