Page 15 of Anorthic Anarchy
“Pieces of trash get pissed on. And now you’re full of my piss. So behave, or I’ll make Sev use your mouth as a toilet to shit in.” Stroking myself to keep firm, I step away and tell him, “Unbind her.”
He does so as I drag a spanking bench over to the pedestal. “Stand up,” I command, and she obeys as I loosen her mouth gag. Using a length of rope, I bend her arms behind her back so they touch. Then I take my time to wrap them into a cross chest box tie. Gripping her waist, I push her onto the bench and bindher ankles to the pads. The bowl of water is placed just in front of her face.
A bottle of lube sits on the instrument table next to me, and I douse my dick with some, then rub myself hard. The anticipation of her demise is what gets me there. That, and maybe flashes of the little angel’s pink nipples down the hall.
Drizzling more over her ass, she pleads with me, “Please, don’t, master. I’ll be good, I swear. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to her.”
She spoke when she’s not allowed. Lydia continues to defy me. My anger turns to rage that I try to control in order to focus on the task at hand. Instead of rubbing in the lube appropriately, I thrust my full cock inside her asshole as she screams. Tugging on her hair, I withdraw slowly, her tight ring choking my thickness in a death grip.
“You’ll be sorry soon, slave.” I force her head underwater while she fights me as much as she can. Her erratic movements only constrict her ass around me even more. When I shove in again, I lift her head up, so she gasps for air and wails with pleading sobs for me to stop. She’s so terrified, she pees all over my legs, her body shuddering in my hold. Plunging her head under the water again, I ravage her ass while she fights. My fingers grip her by the hair again until her neck is strained up to the ceiling. “Who’s in control here, slave?”
“You…You, master, please. I love you.”
“No one alone gets my love, slave. You must share me with everyone here. Everyone. No more jealousy. It ends now. You’ll appreciate your sisters and love them, too.” One last dip into the bowl and she gives up the fight, allowing me to monitor her breathing. I leave her there just to see if she’ll struggle, but she doesn’t. Her body eases in my grasp. The utter submission makes me thrust inside her and spew my cum deep in her ass.
I slide out with a pop and notice some blood on my dick from tearing her. Pulling her from the water by her shoulders, she draws in a large breath and her chest shakes as she chokes on some she swallowed.
Dropping her bound arms, I turn away and stuff myself into my pants. Sev looks worried, but leans heavily against the back wall without saying a word.
“That was the last time you’ll get my cock for a month, slave. As I said, you’re my lesbian girlfriend now, so you better get used to eating pussy. Your face will be so full of cunt, you’ll drown in their juices, just like today. You’ll love servicing your sisters.”
As I pause at the door, I give her a final warning. “And if you don’t? Then you’re free to go, slave.”
Making my way up the stairs, two at a time, I find Dilan in her room at her vanity. I approach her from behind and slip my arms around her chest. She affords me a rare smile in the mirror. “Darling, did everything go alright?”
Her pearled collar lays next to her hand, but I pick it up and place it on her neck as she holds her hair up for me. “We’ll see. I tore her. She’ll need aftercare.”
Standing, Dilan places her long fingers on my chest and her plush lips on my cheek. “I’ll take care of it. Anything else?”
“Yes, after you tend to her, see to it that the little girl is moved from her cell up to the tower. I’d feel safer if she were there until the wedding.”
Dilan freezes with a question on her brow, but I don’t answer it. She doesn’t dare ask it. Instead, we hold an unspoken conversation with our eyes until she nods slightly, then steps away.
My shoulders slump with relief that I didn’t have to say something aloud that I don’t understand myself. Why did I move the snake into her own room? One with luxuries she doesn’t deserve?
It’s because of her obedience.
At least…that’s what I tell myself.
Chapter 8
Just as I think about playing with Ted again, clicks of heels land on the stones down the hall. Jumping up, I clasp the metal bars of the cell and try to peek out as far as possible to see who’s coming. Dilan approaches in a long black dress and her high pearl collar.
Without a word, she eyes me momentarily, then opens the door and waves her arm. “We’re moving you to the tower.”
Part of me worries about what that means. The master said he would do that, but he’s a liar. A tower could mean that he’ll throw me off the top.
And it would be more difficult for Wyatt to get me out of here.
A hint of irritation coats her voice. “Let’s go, miss.” Glancing around at the items in my cell, I think about grabbing the books, but she stops me. “You can leave everything.”
Nodding, I scurry to her and out into the unknown.
It’s a long way up thousands of stone steps through a tiny, curved stairwell until we reach a landing. The bottoms of my feet are cold and bleeding from the journey. Dilan opens a black wooden door on the left to reveal an oversized round bedroomwith a tall ceiling. A porcelain bathtub stands in an arched alcove near the back. Behind a small wall is a toilet and a pedestal that contains a basin sink. In the center of the room, a gigantic bed takes up much of the space and across from the foot of it sits a window seat with my favorite thing—bookcases.
Dilan escorts me inside, then shuts the thick wooden door with finality behind us. Another woman in a white shift dress and metal collar hovers near the tub with a towel laid across her bent forearms. A full-length mirror leans against the wall next to her. And in front of it is a gorgeous wedding dress on a dressmaker’s mannequin.