Page 11 of Lost to the Orcs
I roll my eyes. “You barely even know me.”
His hum fills some void in my chest and warms it under slow heat. “I have my life t’ know you. But I can learn before we join.” I flush red and this time his hum is very approving. “Would you like me t’ know you? Learn your secrets?”
I laugh. “I don’t have secrets.”
“Lies. All have secrets.”
“What are yours?” The question escapes like a wild horse.
“You wish t’ know my secrets?” His grin is infectious and I try my damnedest not to smirk. But my lips twitch, and I’m pretty sure he notices because his grin widens. Offering mercy, he continues our conversation, “Humans leave their mates. Afraid. O’ angry. O’ forced.”
“Forced to leave?”
“By other humans.” Oh. “They dispose o’ Orcling o’ birth them an’ leave them alone in ‘he woods. Their cries pierce your heart.” He pats his breast. Just where his heart would beat.
I suck in a breath. Oh, that poor baby. “But it’s a baby.” My voice is so soft I’m surprised he hears me. The horror in my tone satisfying him in some way.
“A babe, yes. T’ us. Them? It is just Orc spawn.” I watch as his face pinches in pain and his hands fist in his lap. I want to curl up in his arms and offer him comfort but I don’t know if I should.
“I’m so sorry.” He gives me a weak, bitter smile. “Has someone—have you…?” I don’t know if I can even ask this question. I take a deep breath before expelling the question as quickly as possible. “Did someone do that to your Orcling?”
Our eyes meet and there is such pain in his expression. But he shakes his head. “Not mine. My brothers. I was t’ fetch them. But they–he was small. Too small. I brought him home t’ be laid with Jaeda. So, she can protect him in his sleep.”
“Because she is his grandma?” At his head cant, I elaborate. “His father’s mother.”
He nods. “Jaeda will care for him in ‘he after until I o’ Jaedason can.”
“Why you?”
“Jae an’ I share. I was no’ home for several moons.” The o of my mouth gets a little bigger with each word that passes from his lips. “When I returned, Jae was elated. Ouers he said. Though I knew ‘he kit was his. I was… happy. Sumira I—we thought, was happy. But she hurt him an’ ran. Went back. We mourned them.” His fists tighten in his lap once more. With bitterness and anger. “Then she left him. Crying. Alone. So small. So cold.” His golden eyes drip with honey, the tears shining as brilliant as crystallized sap.
I touch my hand to his. “He might not have been directly yours. But in all ways that counted he definitely was.” He doesn’t say it but I can see his thanks. “As a side note,” I pull my hand away after patting him gently on the fist. “If I ever see this woman, I’m going to fuck her up.” A laugh bursts from him. “I mean it. I don’t care what she was thinking. She’s a bitch. I might not look it but I can fight one on one. I didn’t grow up fighting all the time but in foster care you sometimes had to stand up to those bullies. I’ve got a mean left hook.” I give himmy smuggest smile. Which gets him smiling and shaking his head.
“I can’t believe it.”
I mock gasp. “You would call me a liar?”
“Mayhap they were weaker.”
My mock gasp becomes real. With narrowed eyes I admonish him. “You, sir, are rude and I’d advise you not to insult me.”
“Or you’ll hit me with youer small hands? Or perhaps youer little feet? A tiny fist?”
“Howdareyou??” I stand up barely taller than him in his sitting position and shove him. He doesn’t budge. So, I push harder. “Will you fall over??” His shoulders shake beneath my palms. He’slaughing!
“You would have me lie? Fall over t’ youer puny attack?”
“One of these days I’ll make you fall on your ass so hard it’ll rattle your teeth!” I hiss. Suddenly, the male gives. I fall directly on top of him.
He hums his approval. “If you wish t’ fall like this, I weel fall more often.”
My bare breasts fill the space between us. Practically molded to his warm muscled chest. My skin flushes beet red. “I didn’t know you were going to!”
“But, Sunkissed, you asked me t’.” His rumble reverberates from his chest into mine. I scramble off of him and only because he lets me. But he stays laying there. “I am teasing myself too much.” His words are followed by a groan as he covers his eyes with his palms.
“Thank you for telling me.”
He lays there, just breathing. Those palms covering his eyes and blocking out the world. “Most beautiful mate. In every ever. In every after. That is o’ ever weel be. I shall cherish every moment o’ you.”