Page 16 of Lost to the Orcs
“No.” With wide horrified eyes I deny him.
“Yes. You did no’ see me use any water when making your medicine. How else did it get so?” I did watch him. He’d used dry ingredients. At one point I had wondered but stopped watching because I was bored. “I can lick you now?”
Oh, that is not what he meant.Down libido. Down.I use the imagery of him lapping at my face like an oversized canine to wipe the other image out of my mind. The one where he rolls me into the dirt and licks away my sorrow with his beautiful tongue. With a shiver I decline him.
U’snar wraps me in our cape and his warm embrace. I slip gently into blissful, dreamless sleep. To the hum of his voice murmuring about me being his mate.
Mine.A tiny voice whispers in my head before I fall completely.
“Come little lost.” U’snar’s voice calls to me. He was packing up from the night before and I had sat away from him while he did so. We usually eat on the walk, so I’m not worried about going hungry this morning. The following morning to yesterday. The following day after U’snar and I slept together. After I found out my body, where I come from is dead.
There is no going back and I didn’t get the choice. I didn’t have much but it wasn’tmydecision. But then again, when has it ever been my decision. Life has chosen my path for me in so many major events. How is this any different?
“Ach, wee lost.” I startle, because U’snar’s voice was behind me. Down some tunnel of distance. But it’s now in my ear. Caressing me with his breathe. A soft chuckle as he crowds me. I feel his hands on the ground on either side of my thighs. His rumbling chest pressing down on my back. The male is practically doing a push up on top of me.
My cheeks flush at the mental image of him doing a very different kind of exercise. Oh heavens. My hands fly to my cheeks to cover up their heat.
But that doesn’t help his nose. My eyes widen as I hear him take a deep breathe. He hums his approval. “So sweet Sunkissed.”
I dart forward. Scramble out from beneath him when I yelp, falling forward, because his hands were on the cape, preventing me any escape. He flips me over, tangling me up, and presses his weight into me.
His weight makes it a little hard to breathe. But there is a growl in his chest that vibrates into me and without my consent my lips part on a whine. Fuck. Where did that come from? U’snar continues to rumble as he lifts my lower half up and up. Until his thighs are beneath me. Spread wide. But so am I. My thighs on either side of his belly, my rump against his trousers. Oh his trousers.
I moan. I’m being nearly pressed in half and here he is growling and rumbling into me. His hips shunt against my backside and I feel him. The thick press of him against my rump and god it feels like a fucking pole is poking me.
My core clenches in need.
A stick pokes me in the back, reality sinks in. I blink.
A pole?
U’snar’s earthy scent fills the space around me. I have to concentrate not to fall into that lust filled haze again because I’m thinking. Or well, feeling. He thrusts forward and I gasp. My lips parting in surprise. Because yes. That wasn’t a lust induced observation. That is a sausage I’d buy at the store to cut up with cubes of cheese and crackers! That’s not going to fucking fit!
“Wait, wait, wait…” I squeak. Panic rising.
U’snar stops. Immediate. He pulls back just enough to let me breathe. Enough to look me in the eyes. “Shhh.” He coos. His voice soft and calm. Beautiful and caring. “I’ll fit. My brother weel fit.” His hand slips down my hip and around to caress over my skirt at the apex of my thighs. “You’ll fit us. So snug, wrapped around us.” He groans sitting up. But then groans again as he looks down at me. Still partially bared without a shirt, covered barely by his cloak. “But no’ now. We cannae—you—” He places my spread thighs on the ground and turns away from me as he stands. He walks to his dropped pack and pulls out some cloth. Maybe he’s going to re-bandage me? Though I don’t thinki—
My world is covered by darkness. Hands pull on either side of me, and light enters my view again. I look down. A shirt.
I jerk my head up to look at U’snar’s chagrined gaze. His cheeks are a rosey color. “You had this the whole time?”
The flush travels to his ears, which twitch as if to try to hide. God if I wasn’t so annoyed right now, that would be so fucking cute. Who am I kidding? I’m so irritated about the shirt but that really is adorable. He mumbles something as he turns away from me.
“OH, no.” I laugh, standing and pulling my hands through the overlarge shirt. I mean, it was made for a beautiful mass of muscle like this male before me. My nose twitches as the scent wafting from it, is his. I bite back a groan as I point a finger at him. I probably look like a child scolding their parent from this damn angle. “Why didn’t you give this to me right away?”
“Ach, weel,” his accent becomes thicker with his embarrassment. “Youer bandages need breathin’. Stitches are closed an’ I wanted—
“You wanted to see me fumble with embarrassment?”
He growls, turning to look at me now. “No.” He stands in front of me, my hand still pointing for whatever damn reason, presses into his belly. His shadow devours me as much as his eyes do. “I wanted t’ see you flustered.” He takes my hand and pulls it up, bending down at the same time, “I wanted t’ see youer nipples harden for me.” He bends even closer to me, his lips grazing my fingers. “I wanted t’ touch youer breasts e’ery time I saw them. I knew a shirt wouldnae change that. But it is getting colder an’ a shirt may remind me t’ keep my hands t’ myself.”
“Oh.” I murmur, feeling my chest rise and fall quickly. U’snar’s tongue licks my fingers lasciviously.
“But I have little hope o’ that.” He tugs on my hand until I start walking next to him. “Come, little lost. No longer alone. I weel help you an’ when you can stand on youer own two feet, you’ll tell me you want t’ be my mate, ach?” My chest clenches at his sweetness.