Page 27 of Lost to the Orcs
I’m only about five years older than this kid. But he’s not a kid. Hesmirks at my bafflement. Oh, he’s gonna break someone’s heart with that smile. “You guys age differently. How old is Yesari?”
The boy huffs his annoyance. “He’s not yeesahree.” He pronounces it like I do and it does indeed sound terrible. “His name is Yis are E. Ys’ari is three seasons.” Oh good, I was hoping I wasn’t dealing with a small child instead of a toddler.
“Thank you. I’ll learn to say it properly. YisareE.” The little boy giggles. He does not give a damn. He just thinks the lady is funny. I turn to Shalk, “Can you thank whoever cooked for us? It was delicious!” He stares at me for a long moment before nodding. He gestures for the boys to finish up with whatever they are eating before he packs everything away to be washed; I’m assuming. Before they leave, I smile reassuringly, “Thank you for joining me for my meal.” I’m not surprised when Ys’ari is the only one who waves back to me. The teen—er young adult? God I can’t believe he is nearly as old as me! Just looks at me like I were a some weird confusing conundrum. Shalk’s own gaze is narrowed but it’s not with any discernible emotion that I can pinpoint.
So, I chalk it up to him being wary. He obviously went through it in some way. I have no idea who took his arm, why he doesn’t talk or how he can live with that many scars across his body but for sure, it is a story worthy of all the gold and gems I can think of. His life is probably both beautiful and tragic and I am quite intrigued. Though, it seems I must bide my time to find out. I wonder how that will play out.
Left alone to my own devices, I try to sit around and think. About this place, about these Orcs and this bond that is obviously growing within—
Oh my god. I shoot up from my brooding seat. The horror mixed in with surprise and fear. I—Did we—?
Something burst through the door with a mighty growl. I scream in surprise, but it’s just U’snar. “What is wrong with you??” He stalks into the room, sniffing the air, looking into the open doorways. When he finds nothing, I see him visibly relax. I step up to him. “U’snar?”
He wraps his arms around me in a fierce grasp. “Was coming t’ you when I felt it.” OH. My emotions. “What has you distressed?” He pulls away to look down into my eyes.
“Am I pregnant?” It’s the softest whisper I think I could ever createbut the catching of breath at the doorway, with Jaedason rushing through, informs me that with their lovely hearing, he heard my question.
Jaedason nods at U’snar, so U’snar nods at me. “Yes.”
“Oh.” I honestly don’t know how to react. I mean, obviously the heat or whatever meant that I would possibly be impregnated during the act but there’s also a chance I wouldn’t right? I don’t know how these bodies work. They’re not like my kind of body. I just don’t know how to feel. Am I elated? Do I want a baby? Is there even an option—I stare into these beautiful men’s eyes. There is pain in their gazes as they feel every one of my uncertain feelings, though they try to hide it. “I will have this—our baby.” I make sure to look both men in the eyes. “I just, I never thought I’d be a mom.” Which is true. I honestly thought I would be single forever with the occasional hookup at the damn bar. But look at me. Shagging it with two Orcs. Two virile Orcs.
They nod. And before I can react, U’snar has my legs flying in the air as he spins me and laughs. “Perfection, Sunkissed.” The endearment and nickname make me smile as I giggle and beg him to put me down before I throw up all over him. He places me on my unsteady feet.
“Oh, I really do feel sick now.” I gasp, holding my side which is in slight pain from my laughter.
Jaedason pulls me out of U’snars arms and touches my side, checks my forehead, and pallor. “Are you alright…mate?”
I shake my head. “No, I am fine. It was just because I laughed too hard. Thank you.” I look between the two males while Jaedason continues to look me over. He too must have felt my emotions and came rushing. Though, he wouldn’t show it. “Will you two be joining me for lunch? Or well, what time is it?”
Jaedason allows a smile. “It is mid morning.”
“Can we go outside?” I hop from foot to foot in excitement. Both my Orcs frown. “Oh c’mon. I’d love to go outside and smell some fresh air. Our rooms just smell like sex. And if you guys aren’t here to help me out with that, I don’t really want to be stuck in here.” Arousal flares up in the bond and I’m suddenly reallyreallyhorny. “That’s not what I was—
But it is too late. I’d summoned their hunger and they are going to feast.
They take me outside hours later, my body sore and needing a different kind of stretching. I’m pretty sure I smell like just pure sex in a bottle. Or at the very least straight come that leaked from a freshly pouring cock. Because even though they have me, even though I’m marked, freshly mated and pregnant, they rubbed their excess into my skin like lotion before gently washing me with a bit of water so that it doesn’t flake over on my skin in the sunlight.
Ys’ari joins me as I walk around and try to see if any of the Orc’s need any help. Few allow me, but I think the ones that do only let me because of the big scary Orcs trailing behind me and looking rather fearsome. I beat several rugs and furs to try and get out the dirt that has trailed on them from boots or bare feet. When I feel too tired to continue, I convince my males to go back to work. That nothing would or could happen to me with all these Orcs around to watch. Eventually, they kiss me each in turn before taking their leave.
I notice they talk to a couple Orcs near the entrance who nod. Watching us closely. With a roll of my eyes, I allow Ys’ari to take me to his brother where he is curing hides.
It’s some disgusting smelling blend that I will not ask for the ingredients. Although, the boy asks me if I wish to know and grinned like a fool when my green face said no. He even tried to pester me to ask him like any young boy would when someone that they like finds something to be gross. It made me roll my eyes and laugh all at the same time.
Ys’ari whispers in my ear that there is pee in it and I gag telling him, “No, no, no, I did not want to know!” The toddler falls into giggles.
“It makes these furs really soft.” The boy adds, obviously hearing what the little boy had whispered. “These furs will be used as blankets for beds or clothes for kits.”
I scrunch my nose at the boy. “I don’t know how I feel about that. I’m not used to all of this.” I wave my hand at the curing furs and the others being beaten or sewn in the light of the afternoon.
The boy turns his head at me. “Everyone must do this.”
“Not where I’m from. We have chemicals and manufacturers. There are whole companies that have machines that do it for us. We just buy it.” I shrug. “Most of us don’t even know how it’s made.”
“I do not know what are muhsheens, Kimehculls, Man you fakchur roars.”
I purse my lips. “Yeah, those probably aren’t really words you or anyone here would know. Even if you or anyone did go with a dream weaver, they’d not know the words. U’snar thought my world had hard water that we put on buildings. But it’s just reflective glass.” I sigh. “There’s so much from home I’m going to miss.”