Page 30 of Lost to the Orcs
His gaze narrows over Hani’s head. “Why would you need t’ apologize t’ her?” He bends down to touch her forehead to his own, wiping away her fear and tears. “Not a single person is worthy of your tears.”
My heart squeezes. “It’s fine.” I tell her. “I wasn’t upset. I was just surprised.” I hadn’t thought of it from the human perspective. Not seriously. Or deeply. It was in passing and any of my negative thoughts quickly went away whenever I looked at U’snar.
Hani laughs nervously. “I’ll say. I really am sorry though. Don’tmind me. It’s just personal preference. I mean—I don’t—”
“Please.” I raise my good hand. “Don’t. It’s fine.” But really, it’s not. I feel like some force is going to try and tear us apart. Our relationship. The three of us. It’s not natural. If we went out any where we’d be the odd ones out. And what about our child? What are they going to call my mates? Will we ever know whose child is whose?
I feel my chest squeezing more and more. God help me.
Hani and Garret leave not long after. Especially after Garret realized who I was. He was skeptical but didn’t say anything more. My reassurance that nothing bad would happen to them especially not being kicked out during this winter seemed to have calmed his mate significantly.
I’m really not angry with her. How can I be? I think if I heard about one guy screwing a pair of sisters I’d feel uncomfortable. And one girl screwing brothers? I’d be a pariah. Not one person would look at me and say “wow, I want to be her.” Because it’s unacceptable. It’s wrong. Taboo. My heart aches in my chest and I honestly feel like I can’t breathe. If you’re pale raise the tail… I’m pretty sure the lack of breathing is pale. So I’ll just—
“Not common. Your mates.” My ears perk up. “Orcs like sharing. Cousins. Brothers. Sisters. Fathers? Mothers? Rare. But no’ bad. Great honor for most.” Burgrol pauses on whatever he is doing. Probably to look at my strange posture with my head between my knees. “Great honor for you.”
I lift my head to stare at him. “But humans—
Burgrol cuts me off. “I am no’ human.”
“You’re more human than Orc.” I try to reason.
He waves a hand down at himself. Encompassing all of him; from the top of his head to the tips of his clawed toes. “I look Orc. I act Orc. I am Orc. Orc is no’ blood. We are people. Culture. Love. Laughter. Knowledge. No’ only war. No’ simple brutes.” He shakes his head, his hair swinging left to right in his agitation. “Humans say we are. We are ugly. We are dumb. We love blood. War. Killing.” He turns to the stove and pulls out my dish I’d long forgotten about. “I love books. T’ learn. T’ cook.” He turns his eyes to me once more. “Am I human? Or Orc?”
“Sunkissed.” I gasp in my surprise, my brows nearly meeting my hairline. How much did he hear? My cheeks burn red.
“U’snar.” He walks around the counter without another word and wraps me in his wonderful, strong arms. It’s so warm here. So easy to forget that I’m human. That he is an Orc.
U’snar must have felt my unease in the bond. I wonder if Jaedason will also come to comfort me. I want to cry. I am with them regardless but for some icky irritating reason, I am torn. Torn between what is right by human standards, and what feels right in their arms. Can I trust this feeling?
“Ah, Sunkissed, you made a delightful looking pie.”
I look at the brown crust and smile softly. “It’s a meat pie.”
U’snar laughs. “Jaedason weel be happy. Meat pies are his favorite.” He takes me from the chair and wraps me in his arms bridal style. “We go wait for him if he is no’ waiting for us.”
“What about the pie?” My belly rumbles.
“Burgrol will send Shalk or Warner.” U’snar shrugs, snagging me a round crisp tasting vegetable. I only know it is a vegetable because Burgrol had informed me about it the other day. That it comes from the ground, washed of dirt and served raw. You can cook it, but it tastes sweetest raw.
“Who is Warner?” The Orc just laughs and shakes his head, continuing to carry me from the kitchens.
“Burgrol says to keep the pie in the pot so it’ll stay warm longer. Jaedason is stuck in a meeting. Something about human looting.” A surly voice grumbles.
I look at Ys’ari’s brother. “Your name is Warner?”
The boy glowers at me. His lips pull back in a snarl. “I’m going to punch Burgrol so hard in that smiling face of his.”
“No’ Burgrol.” U’snar states from behind me. Warner gives him a blistering glare, his lips firmed into a thin line. “A slip o’he tongue. I thought you already told.”
The boy sighs, the anger deflating from his smallish form, his cheeks flush bright green. “I was going to. But I never did. I’m sorry, miss.” He bows to me, hair falling over an eye before he pushes it back with a hand distractedly. “I will remedy this. I’ll make you a dozen candied flowers!”
“What?” But he’s long gone. I turn to a chuckling U’snar. “Candied flowers?”
“Hardenedhonflouh. They pour it warm o’er sweet flowers. About this big.” He holds up a hand with his forefinger curled against the inside of his thumb the size of a mid-sized coin.
I shrug. “I hope it tastes good.” U’snar wraps his arms around the span of my shoulders, his fingers grazing my waist in a whisper of a caress. I smile broadly up at him. “Yes?”