Page 55 of Lost to the Orcs
I shake my head. Dear me, it's crazy. I’ve been here in themountain just over a month. I have four months of pregnancy left. Or was it three?? I’ve been in this world for maybe two months and it feels like so much longer.
I learn so much every day. From language, to food stuff, to crafting. I’m in almost every pie on this damn mountain and it’s lucky I got ten fingers right? Without all the gadgets and things to distract me; the fear of bills, my memory isn’t as horrible as it was even just a month ago. Yeah I’m still stressed but I’m not likestressed. Not fearing for my livelihood, for my home. Being alone. The anxiety has dwindled because of it. Not eating away at my brain and shutting me down into survival mode.
It is a relief. I can only imagine how much better I will be after years of this.
My feet shuffle me closer to the wall, to allow the Orc who had finished talking to Ganák to pass me. But he pauses next to me. “Hmm?” I ask, trying to shake myself from my inner thoughts. But when I lift my eyes, I notice the Orc is way too close. I go to step further away but I’m against the wall. “Excuse me?”
His nostrils flare and his eyes are staring hard between either crook of my neck. I feel the unease rising up my spine. My eyes meet Ganák’s around the other Orcs' broad shoulders. Begging for help.
Ganák barks something in their language that I don’t catch as he walks swiftly up to us. “Och. I am sorry.” Ganák apologizes, as he grips the shoulder of his companion.
The other Orc shrugs his shoulders. “I donnae know the game she is playing, but you are mated.”
I blink. “Excuse me?” I say again.
“You are mated.” He taps his nose. “I can smell it. See it.” He touches his neck where one of my mates has bitten me.
“I know.” My inflection at the end though makes it sound like a question. Because yes, I know I am mated. But why is this coming up. Why his statement? And then I remember the other Orcs and people murmuring behind my back or around the corners. ‘—not real.’ “Wait!” I call, realizing the other Orc is leaving. “What do you mean by the game she’s playing? Who?”
His emerald eyes flash with an ugly hatred. “Sumira. The one who sent my woman away.” It makes more sense now. What U’snar told me all that time ago. How he must speak to the father because thewoman still wanted her baby, when most do not. “Sumira is playing games, little human.” He says as he steps closer. “Dangerous games. No’ all hated Sumira. Support grows. Soon, it comes to a head. I wish you luck, mate of our stars.” He nods to me solemnly before taking his leave.
“Wait, where is he going?” I ask Ganák when the other Orc is out of sight.
“To retrieve his mate and daughter.”
“But it’s winter! And wasn’t that daughter just born?” That is potentially dangerous. Someone needs to stop him!
“Och, ‘tis Adsen. But, there are some tunnels near the towns. An’ Sumira ran her out years ago. U’snar caught scent of them by accident.”
“But U’snar’s sniffer doesn’t always work.” Not after that tavern bitch broke I in their tussle.
Ganák gives a grave nod before closing his eyes and tapping two fingers to his chest. “The ancestors smiled upon him.”
Huh. That’s probably the most spiritual thing anyone has said. “Sumira is the reason I came here.” I murmur.
“Och, Ay figured.” A voice that is not Ganák’s states. I turn to look up at the tall beast of a male cradling a sleeping child in his arms. My child. Narod looks down at me. “But there is naught much Ay can tell that Dugorim didnae say.”
“But what am I supposed to do? What is she going to try?”
Narod sighs, before handing Arawn over to Ganák. The overly scarred and older Orc with his black striped head of white hair, carries the boy over to a pallet and I notice the reason why there weren’t a crap ton of kids running around like sugar induced lunatics; even if sugar doesn’t actually do that to anyone. It’s because they’re all asleep. It must be nap time. “Come li’l one,” He smirks down at me playfully, the way he does Jae, “We find yer mates an’ we’ll talk then.”
We walk in companionable silence for a time when I look over at him and a thought bubble pops. “Why aren’t you mated?” Narod trips. Full on, feet get mixed up and lands flat on the stone. “Oh my god! Are you okay?!”
I stop and try to help him up but he waves me off. His face is an odd shade of flushed green. He looks both angry andembarrassed. “Thank ye lass. Am fine. Promise.” I back off and he stands back up. Wiping his slowly leaking bloody nose. I wince and he waves off my concern once more. “We walk an’ talk, ock?” He seems to use his accented ach in two different ways. He takes a few steps but when I don’t follow, he stops and turns. The lights in the hall make his eyes glimmer in the light.
“Holy shit.” I murmur. “Your eyes are gorgeous!” I gasp and his cheeks become even more ruddier in color. “Oh! I’m sorry. I don’t mean to embarrass you! I’ve just—wow. I’ve never seen such blue eyes before. They’re so pretty pale. Like periwinkle had a baby with cerulean.”
Those same beautiful gems shift uneasily and look away. “Ock. Thank ye.” The amount of embarrassment this Orc is trying to hide is lethal.
I snicker. “I never pegged you as a guy who would be bashful.” I grin.
He sighs. “Och, Ay ken ye’re a pain. How does Jae handle yer sass?”
A full blown grin makes my cheeks hurt. “With his hands.” I wiggle my fingers doing jazz hands at the Orc. He frowns deeply before shaking his head. Almost, if not already beyond exasperated. I feel like, this face, though grumpy is the true face of Narod.
Soon, we’re at a meeting room, not the one we usually use but a much smaller one with a wooden door. Inside are my two mates and an Orc I’ve never met. When they see me, they dismiss the irritated Orc, who sneers at me as he leaves.