Page 6 of Lost to the Orcs
“Y—you can talk!” OH. Smart. Real fucking smart. “I mean, who are you?” A warmth spreads across my cheeks.
He acknowledges my question with a nod before squatting in frontof me. If I were standing, we’d be about the same height. I don’t know how this makes me feel. “U’snar of Tribe Jaedason.”
His lips twitch as he shakes his head. “U’snar.” When I say it incorrectly once more, he shrugs. “Soon.” Before grabbing my wrist and taking my hand. “I work hard on this.”
He takes the goop off my fingers and applies it back to the slice. I flinch. Not because it hurts but because I’m naked. And he’s seeneverything. My skin is covered in red now. I’m like a volcano about to erupt. “Salve. Medicine. This.” He lifts his fingers and the green goop is slathered on his fingers like slick.
OH my god where did that thought come from. I slap my hands over my face. You need to get your shit together andfast. I rub my face furiously before removing them. U’snar is looking at me with a raised brow. “Sorry. I’m just…”think damn it. Think.“Embarrassed because I’m not dressed properly.”Yeah. Great job. Return the attention to the fact that you are half naked. Superb.
His eyes lazily wander over my form huddled beneath the cloak before returning to my gaze. “You are dressed fine. Any mate would be pleased.”
Oh, I think I’m going to die of sheer embarrassment. “I’m not anyone’s mate.” I mumble but he seems to not have any difficulty in hearing me.
He laughs. Dark, rich chocolate that clenches my tummy and sends skitters of emotion up and down my skin. After he is finished laughing at me, he shakes his head. “You are mate t’ me.”
My jaw touches ground before snapping shut as I stand at my full height; ignoring the urge to stand on my tip toes. “I amnotyour mate. We’ve never even—I’ve never—this is ridiculous! We just met!” Our eyes are level and the heat within his golden gaze at my outburst causes a resulting spark to begin its slow hot burn within my chest. Oh no. OH no no no no. Someone call an ambulance because this guy…is going to send me to the next world.
He reaches his non goop hand to place a strand of hair behind my ear. “We have. But I hunted you. You accept my scent.” He touches the cape. “My food.” Indicating the leaf he left food on for me. “You run for me.”
“Of course, I accepted the cape! I was freezing! And I was starving. I’m not going to just leave the food there! I didn’t know you werecourtingme!” My chest is heaving as my voice raises with his claims. “And I did not runfor you. I was running away from those men.”
“The challengers.” He nods as if that makes sense. “Wished they’d no’ catch you.” I’m nodding. See? He gets it. I didn’t want them to catch me. I wanted to be— “Wantedmet’ catch you.”
I jerk my head mid nod. “What?”
“So, after I run them off, you continued. For me.”
“No! I—you’re getting this all mixed up!” I groan, my tone petulant. “I wasn’t—Orc’s aren’t even real! Why would Ieverknow about mating practices for anORC.”
He flinches. His golden gaze darkening a smidgen, his lips thinning, making his tusks more pronounced. He stands at his full height. Towering over me and making my stomach flip. I’m not sure if it’s fear or somethingfarmore dangerous. But I’m feeling it. From the roots of my hair to the tips of my toes. The danger, the sheer breadth of him making my nipples pucker.
I suck in a sharp breath, inhaling his rich scent. My mouth waters. Oh dear. I grip the edges of the cape and wrap them close around me so he doesn’t notice. I mean, I doubt he can notice much of me from that height. But still.
“I am Orc born. You are Orc mate. We travel home.”
My brows meet. “Home? But I can’t—” Not my home. He means his home. “No.” I step back. “I’m not going to your home.” I shake my head. “I have to find a way out of this place. I can’t go with Orcs!”
I remember the campfire stories the men told loud enough for me to hear. About how the Orcs would ravage any woman. Use her like a wad of tissue and toss her away. Just a warm place to cum inside. Ravaged. Abused. They’ll impregnate her and use her until she can’t bear any more.
I shiver. If this Orc hasn’t tried anything though, what makes me think the next Orc wont? He thinks I wanted him based off so few actions. What happens when he takes me home?? Will someone offering me a hand mean something if I accept it? Can I even eat anything that isn’t given to me by U’snar??
Jeeze this is so confusing!
U’snar sighs and shakes his head. As if he’s disappointed in me. “Come.” He turns to leave.
Blinking up at him, I bite the words coming out of my mouth with ground teeth, “No. I said I’m not going.”
He turns back to me. “Then run.”
“Run. I weel chase. If I catch you, you come home. You find town, you may leave. I count to five, ach?”