Page 64 of Lost to the Orcs
“How long?”
His lips thin at the interruption but he jerks a nod. “Nine days.”
I bite at my lips. “Including the month? Is time different be–
“Excluding.” Narod this time. He looks so serious. So solemn. His beautiful blue eyes looking haunted. I wonder what that is like. He watched his brothers mate die with her child and then his brother wither away. Just to watch the possibility of that all over again.
But then again, this world is like that. It is common to watch your family or friends, tribesmen fall ill and never come back after losing their loved ones. It is a sickness in this world I wonder if I’ll ever get used to.
“So a month and nine days.” My voice is so much better with each sip of water. “What is in this?” My brows pinch together in confusion. I feel so much better after.
“Was in the books.” Narod states. “Travel sickness it called it.”
“Veil sickness.” Irf corrects and it’s Narod’s turn to roll his eyes.
“Veil sickness.” He corrects himself. “For those who traveled from one Weave t’ the next.”
I shake my head. “A weave. Threads.” I softly snort and then sniffle. “Fuck. Can you guys give us a minute?” Irf nods before turning to leave. Narod follows with one of his teasing smirks on his lips. My lips tremble. “I’m so sorry.”
Both males lift their heads to stare at me with deep incredulity.
“I missed so much.” I clutch my belly to me. “The baby moves.” I choke thinking of all the little things I have missed. “And I didn’t know. I was gone. If I–If I hadn’t fought her–
“No.” They both state emphatically.
“She challenged you. You couldnae say no.” U’snar reassures.
“Not unless you wished to give us up.” Jaedason adds.
I sniffle. “Never.” I grip a hand from each of them. Holding them close to me. “You’re mine. And I’m never letting you two go. Ever.” Thetears trickle down my cheeks and my sniffles turn to sobs as we kiss. We touch. We caress. We love each other as we laugh. As we cry. Until I fall asleep in their arms, in their scents.
I am home.
Things calm several days later. The clan is so very glad that I am alive and well. On the mend at least according to my ‘doctor’. Ie Irf. Hani had a mini panic attack and feared the worst. When my mates allowed her to visit, she cried the whole time. Garret had to physically remove her. Promising her that we’ll speak again soon. Burgrol made me my favorite pie and hugged me. “Mates be damned.” He’d sniffled into my hair. It made me cry too.
More crying from little ones and even Shalk wasn’t unfazed. Stating in his stilted and stiff speech that he was glad that I was well. It never occurred to me how many people I knew until they came in droves to tell me how glad they were. It brings a bitter sweet smile to my face.
Although the one set of gifts I cannot fathom even being, are the ones Irf brings me.
“It is as one says ‘against the rules’,” he uses air quotes and I can’t believe he has started copying my mannerisms, it’s almost comical. “But with Narod an’ Addie’s help, we brought ye some things.” I tilt my head with confusion but he continues. “As long as there is ‘equal exchange’, we were able t’ bring ye things that seem t’ave much meanin’ t’ ye.” With that cryptic statement, he hands me a box. A literal cardboard box.
I blink and unfold the top. There, within the confines of this container, is my childhood stuffie, my baby blanket, the photo of mymother, father and me, and other smaller things that I loved at home. My favorite mug. A dish my father chipped but used every day until his passing.
I cried all over again. My mates found me blubbering over the box and had allowed me to take out the blanket and stuffie to bring to my nest so they could comfort me.
It’s finally night and I look over at my mates, the hulking beasts of muscle and mayhem and wonder how in the hell I was ever so lucky. “I love you.” The confession rocks them. They both freeze mid-breath. Eyes locked onto my lounging position. Jae had been walking to bed, stretching his right arm across his upper chest, his other holding it in place. U’snar had been coming into the room with a late-night snack in a bowl, which he dropped. Somehow the bowl stayed upright and only a bit of greens fell out the sides from the impact.
Jaedason was on me before U’snar. “Say that again.” He demands.
I look into his gorgeous face. That broad nose, plump lips and large tusks. Golden eyes, long black lashes, thick brows. Braids half undone on either side of his face showing me the small amounts of silver within. His piercings, three on one ear, four on the other, glimmering in the firelight. “I love you.”
U’snar practically shoves his brother out of the way, his face in mine. “Ach, my turn sunkissed. Tell me.” His golden gaze bounces back and forth between mine and my lips. As if he wants to SEE me say it just as much as he wants to see the truth of it in my eyes.
I cup his cheek, my hand tiny against his roughened cheek, my index finger grazing the shaved side of his head. Giving him the same once over as his brother. Examining his gorgeous tusks, full lips, sharp features. “I love you.”
His mouth crashes into my own. I moan as he kisses me. Loving me. Showing me with just his mouth, how much he needs me.