Page 49 of The Prez
“From Florida to Tennessee,” I say, hoping to take his mind off his past pain. “How did that happen?”
Raf’s lips tip up briefly. “I saw a few members of Devil’s Mayhem in Florida when I was twenty. My cousin, god rest his soul, was a dealer and was their connection. I was interested and the president told me if I really wanted to know more, come to Mellbind. So, I got some money together, packed my shit and headed here.”
“Just like that?” I ask incredulously. I’d be scared out of my mind to up and leave my home like that.
He grins at me. “Life’s a risk, baby.”
I roll my eyes, though my heart leaps at him calling me baby. He’s already said I’m his boyfriend, but him showing me that it’s real will take some getting used to.
Sure, before Little Raf got hurt we spent our nights together, talking, kissing, touching, and learning about each other, but now it’s official. I couldn’t be more thrilled.
“How is Cuba?” I ask when we’re within view of the house. “I bet it’s beautiful. It gives me small town vibes, but with better people.”
“It’s beautiful. I go visit sometimes because I do business with Rax and my brother-in-law. Maria wants to meet Little Raf and I want to show him our home, where his mother and I came from. Would you like to come with me one day? I’d love to show you my island.”
He looks at me with more sincerity than I’ve seen before and my breath catches. “There’s nothing I’d love more than taking you and Little Raf to see my home.”
I grin up at him cheekily. “Didn’t you tell me you don’t love things?”
A smile crops up on his face and I’m struck anew by how fucking beautiful he is when he smiles. “I have a lot of things to do with that smart mouth of yours.”
“Promises, promises,” I say as I take the baby from the stroller. I check him over like I’ve been doing for the past few days, making sure there are no hives, swelling tongue or red eyes. I see nothing but tan skin, wide clear eyes, and a drooly smile.
“Did you like the walk, big man?” He puts his tiny, warm hands on my face, those razor blades they call fingernails digging into my skin. Even still, I don’t move. I simply smile back at how happy he is.
We go inside, and I strip the baby down into something cooler and we hang out for the night.
I cook dinner and we sit at the table, Big Raf feeding Little Raf and me feeding myself and Big Raf. We’re sticking to baby food we know he doesn’t have a reaction to. Little Raf doesn’t seem to mind, enjoying his sweet potatoes.
Today was a great day. I think the stress of what happened is starting to fade for both of us. “We can move Little Raf’s crib back into his room,” I say, rinsing our plates at the sink. “He should be fine through the night. Unless you want him to stay?”
Raf shakes his head, wiping the baby’s face of the excess sweet potatoes. “Just make sure you bring in the walkie talkie,” he says with a wink. I throw my head back and laugh.
I head to the shower while Big Raf is putting the baby down. While under the spray, I wonder if I’m here to still work as a nanny or if I’m just … here. I mean, I have enough money just in the month and a half he’s been paying me to put down a deposit on an apartment on the Eastside of Mellbind. That two grand I had to give Brock really fucked me, that’s for sure. But even without it, I can afford a nice studio apartment. I could watch Little Raf during the day and Big Raf can take over at night, since he’s getting so much better with him. It’s a good plan.
So why does my heart hurt thinking of leaving the two of them?
The bathroom door opens and I smile, running my washcloth over my body. Through the glass door of the shower, I can see Raf strip out of his clothes, a piece of his body revealed with each article removed.
When he’s gloriously naked, he opens the door and steps in behind me. He stands close to my body, wrapping his arm around my waist. I push down my self-conscious feelings when his fingers trail over my belly. I’m still coming to terms with Raf touching all parts of my body without hesitation. Men in the past would steer clear of my belly, focusing on my ass or thighs. He’s the first man to touch me so openly.
“Can I ask you a question?” I ask.
He nods against my neck as he breathes me in, his lips lightly pressing into my nape. “Any time.”
His erection bumping against my back and the cleft of my ass is distracting, but I force myself to push the words up my throat. “Since you’re doing so much better with Little Raf, do you still want me to be a live-in?” He stops kissing me and I turn around in his arms. A flash of confusion colors his expression. “I’m only asking because … well, I like being here with him. And I like being here with you. I didn’t know if you wanted to continue to pay me since I would be here anyway. As your boyfriend.”
A small breath leaves his mouth before they tip up slowly. “Yeah. I want you here. Besides, you signed a contract for at least a year, precioso. Don’t tell me I’m not going to get my money’s worth.”
I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him. “Of course you will. I just … you’re my boyfriend now.” A flutter goes off in my chest at the word. “It seems like a conflict of interest, no?”
“I think it’ll be fine, baby.” He grasps my chin and kisses me softly.
In no time, the kiss deepens, Raf’s large hands going down to my ass, squeezing tight. I moan at the feel of his blunt nails biting into my tender flesh.
“Your skin is so soft. Feels so fucking good,” he says into the kiss, nipping at my lips before delving back in. “I could touch you all fucking day.”