Page 63 of The Prez
Cursing loud enough for the whole bowling alley to hear, Omari explodes, the hot eruption of his body coating my fist. I stroke every last drop from him, feeling the contractions of his hole around my shaft.
He collapses on me when he’s drained, breathing heavily. “Use my hole, Raf,” he slurs in a sex drunk voice. “Come inside me. I need to feel you.”
Growling, I grip his juicy ass and hold him still as I thrust up into him in deep, rapid strokes. He cries out, his prostate oversensitive but I don’t need much. His declaration of love had my balls tight to my body. I’ve been fighting to make sure he came first since I breached him.
Harder and harder I pound into him, holding his ass in a firm grip so I can use him. Omari suckles at my neck and I see fucking stars. My orgasm crashes through me like a freight train, shooting out of me without warning. My vision fuzzes out as I grunt loudly, a tumble of words in English and Spanish spilling out of me.
Once I come down, Omari’s lips land on mine, kissing me lazily. I’m not sure how long we sit like that, my half hard cock twitching inside him as his cum dries against our bellies.
When Omari drags his mouth from mine, he places hisforehead against mine and breathes shakily. A smile spreads across his face. “You have a way of showing me how you feel, that’s for sure.”
I laugh, then kiss him hard, hoping my kisses contain all my love for him that I can’t say out loud.
Our first datewas two weeks ago and we’ve been out once more since then. The other few times, we’ve taken Little Raf out, mainly ordering him vegetables and French fries he can gnaw on. His front four teeth have come in and he’s been trying to bite everything in sight. His teething phase was a bit of a hurdle, but Little Raf is such a good baby that after one night of giving us hell, we didn’t have much trouble from him.
Life for me has been going well. Though Big Raf hasn’t said it, I know he loves me. He treats me better than anyone I’ve ever been with. It’s so easy to love him, especially when I see him with Little Raf. Their bond is getting stronger by the day, Big Raf isn’t shy about showing his affection for his nephew. I have to complain sometimes to get some baby time since Big Raf hogs him. But I don’t mind. It’s so endearing.
A few months ago, Big Raf wouldn’t even hold Little Raf, and now, he can’t seem to stop. It’s an amazing transformation that I’m glad I got to witness. He’s so good with him. He smiles so much when he’s playing with the baby. He doesn’t even get upset when Little Raf cries and won’t calm down.He just walks around with him and tries to get him to quiet. He’s not the baby whisperer, so he’s not always successful like I am. But I love that he tries.
Sometime in the early hours of the morning, my phone rings, jolting me from sleep. It scares me since the only person that would be calling me at this time is Hazel.
I scramble out of bed, Raf behind me sleepily saying, “Dios, baby. What’s up?”
I shrug, pulling my phone off the charger and looking at the caller ID. My eyebrows scrunch when I see Kit’s name on my screen.
Since he kicked me out when I saw the bruises on his face, he hasn’t answered my calls or texts. It’s like he didn’t want the help.
Is that why he’s calling now? Has he wised up to Brock’s bullshit and wants a way out?
With shaky hands, I slide my thumb across the screen before the call rolls over to voicemail. “Kit?”
Hard sobs greet me and my heart clenches at the sound. “Omari. Is that you?”
“Yes, I’m here. Calm down, sweetie. Calm down and tell me what’s wrong.”
He cries for a while more and I sit there, a lump in my throat as I listen to the heart wrenching sobs. Raf wraps an arm around me, holding me as I grip the phone tightly in my hand.
Finally, after several minutes, Kit clears his throat and says, “I need help. You said … you said if I wanted help to call you. Please. Can you get me out of here?”
“Of course. Where are you?” I stand and look around for my pants and shirt, almost falling as I stuff a foot into the leg of a pair of jeans that turn out to be Raf’s.
Raf grabs my shoulders and hauls me back against him. Even though I try to stand again, he holds me tight, notletting me move. I sag into him, listening to Kit cry on the other end of the phone.
When Raf doesn’t let me go, I drop my head and ask, “Where are you, sweetie?” Raf motions for me to put the phone on speaker, so I do. Kit’s cries reverberate through the room, making my heart hurt more.
“I’m … I’m at home,” he says with a sniffle. “Brock, he … he left. I think I passed out after he threw me across the room. When I woke up, he was gone.”
Raf speaks up, his accented voice soothing and soft. “Kit? I’m Rafael Orozco. President of Devil’s Mayhem MC.” Kit cries more and I soothe him as best I can over the phone. Raf keeps talking. “Lock yourself in your bathroom with the biggest knife you have. I’ll be sending an emissary for you. His name is Donovan. White guy, blond hair, stocky build. He’ll take care of you. He’ll take you to the clubhouse so?—”
“No!” Kit’s loud exclamation startles me. “I want Omari. Please. I don’t … I just want Omari.” Kit weeps, babbling my name and apologizing.
I look at Raf, pleading with my eyes. He’s here, his brothers will be here, we’ll be safe. He stares at me for a long moment, his eyes hard and his jaw clenched, then nods. I kiss him quickly and desperately. “I love you,” I whisper, then go back to my phone call. “Kit, go to the bathroom, sweetie. Take a knife with you. Someone will be there shortly.”
“Thank you.” He sniffles and I can hear him moving around. I don’t let out the breath I’m holding until I hear the soft click of the door behind him.