Page 86 of The Prez
A small grin tips up my lips.
Jace and Chance walk over to the body. Chance bends down and looks at Brock with his head tilted. “I don’t know how I’ll spin this one. Might be too much biological evidence left behind. Can you get rid of the body?” He looks up at me, but his eyes keep bouncing over to Pete. Pete meets his eyes for a moment, then ducks them, wiping the rest of the blood from my hands.
Zeke is the one that speaks up. “Yeah, we can. There are plenty of places in these woods. We won’t have to go far.”
Chance stands, straightening his belt. “Alright. You move the body and I’ll take care of the car. Prez, get out of here. I’ll update you when I can.”
“Yeah, okay,” I say, my voice sounding gruff.
“Keys, Prez,” Zeke says. “I’ll drive you home.”
“They’re … they’re in the car. I need to go back to Omari. I need to see him. Do you understand?”
He nods, throwing his arm around my shoulder. “Yep. I’ll take you to see your man. But you need a shower first. You can’t go to him like this.” I look down at myself—at the blood on my shirt, forearms, and hands—and know he’s right. “Ruiz is on shift tonight, so he’ll walk you up. Visiting hoursare over, even for presidents.” He winks at me and I chuckle, shaking my head.
“If anyone tries to keep me from him, they’ll end up like that fucking fuck back there.” I thumb over my shoulder.
“I don’t doubt it.” We climb into the SUV and I lean my head against the headrest. Through the beaming headlights, I watch Pete and Jace drag Brock’s body deeper into the woods as Chance walks over to the car and starts it up. The engine turns over and the lights from the beat-up car illuminate the woods. “Let’s get you cleaned up so you can see Omari.”
An hour later, Hector is walking me upstairs and into Omari’s room. The nurse at the desk raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment when she sees me with a fellow nurse.
Omari is lying on the slightly elevated bed on his back asleep, one hand across his belly. I smile, my heart so full of love for him, I think I’ll explode with it.
Dragging the chair over, I sit beside him and take the hand that’s by his side.
Hector catches my attention. “You’ll probably get about an hour before someone does their rounds and kicks you out. Since I’m in the ER, I won’t be able to head them off.”
“Thanks, hermano. That’s plenty of time. I appreciate you.”
“No biggie. I’ll catch you later.” He raps his knuckles on the door twice, then leaves.
The noise wakes Omari, his forehead scrunching before he blinks his eyes open slowly. When he focuses on me, he smiles. The swelling in his lips has mostly gone down; he looks like he usually does in that regard. With his light brown skin, the bruising shows up prominently, which makes my blood boil. If I could kill Brock again, I would.
“I expected you back hours ago,” he says in a sleep-soaked voice.
“Me too.” I bring his hand to my lips.
Omari’s eyes zero in on the cuts and bruises on my hands. “You didn’t have those when you left.”
“No. But the prospect found Brock and I did what I had to do.”
He gasps. “You … he’s …”
“He won’t be found,” is all I say. If something happens, I don’t want him to have any knowledge of what went on.
Tears leak from Omari’s eyes, even as he smiles. “Thank you, baby.” He lifts a shaky hand to my face, holding it against my cheek. “I told you, you avenge the ones you love.”
Smiling, I kiss his palm. I’m too choked up to say anything in response.
For decades, I felt like I failed everyone around me. My mother, Elena, Rax, Christian, and now Omari. But now, I believe him. I did avenge him. I may have fucked up by not watching him like a hawk, but I made sure the man who did this to him has no more sunrises.
Just like I did with my papa. I couldn’t save my mother, but I made sure he paid for it. In Elena’s case, I have her little boy and I’m going to do right by him. I’m not the most squeaky-clean man, but I will make sure Little Raf is loved and taken care of. Especially because Omari will be there with me every step of the way.
“I love you,” he says, rubbing my cheek gently.
“And I love you.” I lean over and kiss him lightly. “I gotta go, baby. I need to get our baby. I’ll bring him to see you tomorrow. But tonight, he needs me.”
Omari’s eye softens as he nods. “Of course. I’m safe now. Give him a hug from me. I really miss him.”