Page 94 of The Prez
He nods and follows me out of my office. When we get to the bar area, I hear Omari’s feet stutter as he takes everyone in. I’m not sure where the cars are hiding, but Zeke, Pete and Jace did good.
Standing in front of my brothers are Hazel and the twins, Shane, and Kit.
Omari gapes at them. “What is this?” He reaches out and hugs Hazel and the kids, then Shane. He hesitates before he gets to Kit but drags him in for a hug. Kit’s body visibly shudders as he hugs Omari back hard.
Though he said it really hurt him when Kit made a dig at his weight for Brock’s benefit, Omari chose to forgive him. I told him if he wanted to stay mad at him forever, that was up to him. I’m not the person that tells someone they have to forgive or be the bigger person. There are a lot of motherfuckers out there I don’t forgive and never will. Namely my papa and Elena’s. Just because they’re dead doesn’t absolve them of that. Nothing ever will for how they fucked both our lives up.
I find it weird that Donovan is standing so close to Kit, glancing at him every so often, but my mind is focused on something else right now. I don’t have time to figure out the prospect’s shit.
After Omari hugs his family and friends, he turns to me with curious eyes. “Baby?”
I put Little Raf down—he runs over to Zeke, who scoops him up quickly—and grab Omari’s hands and pull him closer to me. Blowing out a long breath, I say, “Omari, when we met, I never thought you’d be such a big part of my life. You didn’t let my shitty attitude or my growling words intimidate you.” Omari laughs, shaking his head. “You saw something in me I didn’t see in myself. You didn’t see a failure.”
“Because you’re not, baby,” he says earnestly, placing a hand on my face. “You’re my perfect Big Raf.”
My brothers and our friends laugh, but I ignore them and continue. “You’ve treated Little Raf like he was your own and you made it possible for me to forge a relationship with him. It’s because of you that I can hold him and love him without the pain of my past overwhelming me. You’ve been the rock I’ve always wanted and never knew I needed. You’re the love of my life, Omari.”
His breath stutters when I lower myself to the ground on one knee. “Raf, what are you doing?”
Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the ring box and open it, showing him the platinum band. I smile when he squeals. “I’m not good at the romance shit, you know that.”
“Jesus,” Zeke whispers and those assembled around us laughed again.
Omari doesn’t mind, his eyes welling tears. I kiss the back of his hand and finish what I want to say to him. “I want to be everything you need me to be. I want to be yours and you be mine until we take our last breaths. Omari Williams, will you do me the honor of being my husband?”
A single tear leaks from the corner of his eye as he nods. “Yes! Of course I will.”
I slide the ring on Omari’s finger and stand up, hoisting him into my arms, giving him a long kiss. My brother’s andOmari’s friends and family cheer, and someone pops a bottle of champagne, dousing us with bubbles.
Snatching my mouth away, I glare at Zeke. “Enforcer, I swear to God I will fucking sock you in the jaw.”
“Stop being grumpy, Prez!” Zeke shouts as he shakes the remains of the champagne on us. Shane has Little Raf, covering his head so he doesn’t get wet.
“Is this why we came here?” he asks, holding his hand up to stare at his ring.
“Yeah, precioso. They’re here for our engagement party.”
I set Omari on his feet as he raises an eyebrow at me. “So, you just assumed I’d say yes?”
Smiling, I kiss him hard. “I knew you’d say yes.”
He barks a laugh and pushes against my chest. “Whatever, my big scary biker.” I kiss him once more before he’s swept up in hugs and congratulations.
Zeke hugs him and says, “I asked Prez if Zeus could wear a shirt that said, ‘Will you marry me’ on it, but he shot me down.”
“That’s because I didn’t need a dog to ask for me,” I growl.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Others come by and give Omari a hug, congratulating him. When Kit steps in front of him, he gives Omari a long hug. “What are you doing here?” Omari asks.
Kit glances in my direction quickly, then says, “Well, Raf told me he was having a party for you and asked if I wanted to come. I hope you’re not mad.” Even after a year of them mending their relationship, Kit is still unsure. He should be. What he said to Omari was fucked up, but Hazel told me to reach out when I asked her to bring the twins. In time, I’m sure I’ll forgive him. But who knows? Just because I fell in love don’t make me the forgiving type.
He looks up at me and reaches out for my hand. “Thankyou for reaching out for me to be here. There’s no place I’d rather be than celebrating this milestone with my … best friend.” He glances at Omari, who nods. Kit visibly relaxes. “I really appreciate it.”
I take his hand but pull him in close so no one else can hear what I say. “It’s no problem. I’ll always help an abuse victim when they’re in trouble. But if you ever hurt my fiancé again, I will fucking end you. Entendido?”
Though his face pales, Kit nods jerkily, sliding his hand from mine and stepping close to Donovan. Kit sends a shaky smile over to Omari and they walk away, joining the rest of the partygoers.