Page 19 of Royally Matched
“No!” I exclaim in alarm. “Father suggested we meet with my choice and discuss the future. No one’s getting engaged or even entering a relationship today. It’s just two parties meeting to discuss possibilities.”
“But I thought this was meant to be an arranged marriage.”
“It’s the way Father suggested we do it, and I think it’s very sensible.”
“Is he the guy from your spreadsheet?”
I chew on my lip.
“I knew it! He checked more boxes than anyone else, so you’ve decided he’s the right man for you.”
“It’s logical, isn’t it?”
“Love isn’t logical.”
“Who said anything about love,” I mumble.
“What did you say?”
He gives me a look. “Are you sure you want to go through with this? I mean, I’ve got nothing against the man. He seems nice enough, and clearly Father approves of him, so I suppose he must be okay. But if you’re going to back out, now would be the time. Far less messy thanwhen your engagement is announced and the whole country is expecting a royal wedding.”
“Everyoneisexpecting a royal wedding. Yours and Maddie’s.”
“You know what I mean.”
We continue to make our way back to the palace when a bunch of pheasants suddenly take off from the bushes, their colorful wings flapping as they scatter. Their startled squawks fill the air, and we stop and watch the wild burst of activity.
“You’d think after living in the palace grounds for generation upon generation they’d get used to humans wandering around,” Alex remarks.
“They are lovely, though.”
We watch as the last of Ledonia’s national bird flaps away.
“That Lord Strozzi seemed nervous, you know.”
“Nervous?” The thought of the pleasant, serious man I danced with at the ball being nervous to see me again makes me smile. Nervous is a good sign. Nervous I can work with.
“You’d be too if you were meeting with the King. Father’s like the proverbial dad with a rifle, meeting his daughter’s boyfriend.”
“Only he’s got more than just a rifle. He’s the got entire Ledonian military behind him.”
“Poor Enzo.”
“There’s nothing to feel sorry for whatsoever. He getsyou, doesn’t he?”
I regard my brother in surprise. “Alex, I think that’s about the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
He pulls one of the back doors to the palace open and holds it for me to walk through. “If that’s the best I’ve done so far, I clearly need to pick up my game.”
“In that case, I look forward to all the compliments coming my way.”
He places his hand on my arm. “I’m serious, Sofe. We don’t say it enough in our family, but I really do love you. You’re special to me. I want you to have whatever it is that makes you happy, and if it’s this guy up there with Father, then I support you one hundred percent.”
His words warm my heart. “Thanks, Alex.”
“Right. Off you go to propose to this man with Father. Not quite as romantic as I would have done it, but still.”