Page 45 of Royally Matched
“Isn’t she marvellous?” she trills in excitement.
“Look, I know I initially entertained the idea, but I’m not sure we should go through with this.”
“Of course we should. Look at her. She’s perfect for him.”
Sigrid is clasping her hands at her waist, looking about as comfortable at the garden party as a cat is at a kennel.
“You told me what he likes and she’s exactly it, right down to the boring numbers stuff. I rather imagine youshould be thanking me. She looks like his ex-girlfriend, she likes the boring things he likes, and she’s single. Perfect!”
I’m about to respond when I spy Enzo moving in our direction, and before I can stop her, Amelia signals for him to join us.
“Why did you have to do that?” I grind out.
“You know why,” she replies as she extends her hand and beams at Enzo.
“Your Royal Highness,” he says, taking her hand in his and giving a bow.
“Ah, Enzo. Just the man I wanted to see,” she replies sweetly. “Allow me to introduce you to my dear friend, Sigrid Olsson. She’s an accountant from Sweden. Sigrid, this is our new friend, Enzo Revera.”
I watch as they greet one another, and I wonder if either of them feels a spark as Amelia hopes. I’m about to say so to Amelia when suddenly, the peace is shattered by loud, excited barking. I turn to see the two labradors from the throne room that day, one golden and one black, charging through the garden gate with unbridled happy abandon as though everything and everyone is here for their amusement.
“That’s Lemon and Pepper!” Amelia gasps. “They’re Sofia’s girls. Oh, they are so naughty today. Whatever got into them?”
“I don’t like dogs,” Sigrid whines, her voice unnaturally high, with an appalled expression on her face.
“Come with me. I’ll protect you,” Enzo says as he bundles her away.
“Naughty Lemon and Pepper!” Amelia scolds as they whizz past us, and we watch in shock as the black lab, who I assume must be Pepper, splashes into the pond in excitement before she darts out and shakes out her fur, droplets of water firing like bullets at surrounding guests. Theyprotest with squeals, as though they’re actually being shot at, rather than being splashed with a little bit of water.
Princess Sofia springs into action in a panic, calling, “Lemon! Pepper! No!”
The golden lab completely ignores her as she leaps up onto a table, knocking over delicate china teacups, which fly through the air, crashing to the ground, tea and coffee spraying in every direction.
Sofia races after Pepper as the dog darts into the crowd, causing people to scatter, as though she were some kind of killer on the rampage when in truth, being a lab, all she wants is something delicious to eat.
Defeated, Sofia returns her attention to Lemon, who’s now got another table in her sights.
Amelia and I both lunge for Pepper’s collar but miss as she races past us and snatches a complicated looking canapé from someone’s hand, devouring it in one bite.
“Princess Sofia! Please control your dogs!” Enzo snaps as he guards a terrified Sigrid, his sharp voice cutting through the chaos.
“I’m trying!” Sofia replies in exasperation as she grapples with Lemon’s collar, pulling her from the table, sending more china cups flying. Her cheeks are bright red, and she’s clearly mortified. Pepper is still causing havoc, being chased by a couple of members of palace staff, outwitting them at every turn. Of course, the dog thinks it’s a fine game of chase, and her tail is swishing rapidly from side to side as she darts between people, tearing through the arbor, causing it to sway as though it’s about to fall.
I dash over, reaching the arbor before it hits the ground. I collect a few of the flowers that have fallen to the grass and stuff them back into the arbor’s crevices. Just as I’m reaching down, Pepper charges toward me and placesa wet lick on my nose. I reach out and get a hold of her collar.
“Time to settle down now, Pepper,” I say in a firm tone. The dog looks up at me as though I’ve told her something wonderful, her tail swishing, her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth, waiting for her next instruction.
“Good girl,” I coo, petting her glossy black fur. She really is beautiful—even if her behavior is a little too wild for the day’s proceedings.
Enzo looks thunderous, his hands balanced on his hips as he glares at the decimation. “They’ve ruined everything,” he says with an icy glare, his lips pinched.
“They’re just being dogs,” I tell him.
“Would you like me to take her from you, sir?” one of the palace staff asks, a leash in his hand.
I don’t want to risk a sloppy handover and Pepper escaping once more. “I’ve got it from here.” I take the leash and clip it onto the dog’s collar.