Page 75 of Mistletoe Face Off
“Thank you, and thank you for sitting Macy tonight,” I reply.
“Of course. She's my granddaughter and I love her,” she says brightly before she leans closer to me and says in a hushed tone, “Harry is good for you.”
I look at her in surprise. “Really?”
She smiles at me, winking. “So much better than the last one.”
I smile back. “I wholeheartedly agree.”
In a competition between Phil Channing and Harrison Clarke I know who would win hands down every single time. Hint: it’s not Phil.
Macy leaps into Harry’s arms, and my heart squeezes at the sight of them together, my daughter gazing fondly at Harry, and him grinning at her as he holds her tight.
“Macy. You look like Mr. and Mrs. Claus had a figure skating kid,” he says, his eyes flashing to mine.
“Christmas figure skatingprincess. Isn't that right, honey?” I say as I tickle Macy’s side.
She shrieks with laughter, and squirms in Harry's arms.
“You want me to put you back down?” he asks, and Macy shakes her head, her little hands holding on tight to the lapel of his jacket.
“I’m so tall up here!” she exclaims.
“Want to join the Blizzard? We could do with a tall Christmas figure skating princess. For some reason team management forgot to draft one this season.”
“No! Hockey’s dumb,” she replies.
“Thank you,” Harry says on a laugh. “Hi, Cindy,” he says to my mom as he places Macy back on the floor.
“I am so glad you’re in a tux! You look much better in your tux than your Santa suit,” Mom declares, and I have to agree with her. Harry looks nothing short of incredible in his tux.
“Now, off you go. I've got everything under control here. We're going to make popcorn and watch theBarbiemovie,” Mom says with a smile. “Again.”
I kiss her on the cheek, “Thanks, Mom.” I scoop Macy up and plant a kiss on her cheek, too. It leaves a red mark that I wipe away with my fingers. “See you on Christmas Eve, kiddo.”
“See you on Christmas Eve!” she chimes back.
A few minutes later, we’re in Harry's car on our way to the Blizzard Christmas party at Dan Roberts’s house, which is a short drive from my apartment into the leafy area of town with the big impressive houses.
“So?” I lead, grinning.
“So, it’s snowing again,” he replies.
“You know what I’m talking about!”
“The article?”
“Of course the article.”
He takes my hand in his, his other firmly on the steering wheel. “I thought it was amazing, and I don't know how I will ever repay you for what you've done for me.”
“I have some ideas,” I say, and it’s my turn to waggle my brows at him.
“Then I will definitely be taking you up on them.”
He drives the rest of the way holding my hand in his. Just as well his car is an automatic.
“Are you ready for tonight?” I ask as he pulls his car up outside the entrance to Dan’s house.