Page 2 of Hades
“You make a valid point. However,” I pull my gaze from my adorable Cerberus and level her with a serious look, “I want you to get the reservations in order. I would like to get the hunt started as soon as I can.”
“Of course. Come, Cerberus. I’ll get your supper ready and do the mistress's bidding.”
With both of them gone again I’m left by myself once more. Something I was quickly starting to loathe.
I stroll back to my chambers as my loneliness consumes me. Each clack on the smooth floor, echoes that remind me just how alone I am. I may deal with the dead, but I want to feel alive, to fill my castle with more than just darkness and silence.
With a wave of my hand my door creaks open to reveal my room. Instead of flicking on the lights I opt for the warm fire of my torches. They cast the room in a familiar glow that does nothing to stave off the sadness creeping into me. Even though I added electricity to the palace, mostly for Lainie's convenience, I prefer the torch light.
Instead of settling somewhere comfortable I head for the bathroom, the torches flare to life the moment I enter.
What I need is a change. I can’t go to Vegas looking like I do. It might be Sin City but I look every bit like a creature from the underworld.
In the flickering torch light, I take in my reflection and begin my transformation.
My brothers and I are gifted with the magic to change our appearance at will. Sadly, first to go is my pale blue skin that I trade for a warm ivory. It’s not a bad look on me, but I prefer my natural coloring.
Next up is my hair, I love my azure locks with electric blue highlights. Seeing the change leaves me heartbroken, but I wave a hand and my blue fades to golden blonde.
As I gape at the woman staring back, I can hardly believe my icy blue eyes. Fuck, now I see where Aphrodite gets her beauty.
But this isn’t me.
With a huff I wave my hand over my hair and grin as a few of my highlights flare back to life. They don’t have the same glow but they’re more ‘me’ than before.Until I look down.
My black long sleeve button up shirt, matching pencil skirt, black pantyhose, and heels are a bit too formal.
With a snap of my fingers, my outfit is replaced with a dark, blood red halter top cocktail gown. My bland black heels are replaced with a new pair of sparkling red ones.
Even I admit that I look hot as… well, hell.
“Toto, I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore,” Lainie calls from the doorway.
A laugh escapes my lips as I turn toward her. “Too over the top?”
She whistles, her green eyes sparkling with amusement, “It’s hot as Hades in here.”
“Now I know why I keep you around,” I tease. “Were you able to get me a suite?”
“Yes, of course. There’s a new hotspot in Vegas for the rich and powerful. It’s a hotel and casino right on the strip called 4 Horses. The decor is an amazing mix of each of the four horsemen, can you believe it? What better place for Hades… am I right?” she asks as she hands me a small handbag. Her light, easy laughter fills some of the emptiness inside of me.
“Lainie, I’m going to miss you. I don’t know how long I’ll begone. I will make sure the other’s know that you are in charge in my absence.”
This was the first time I’ve left the Underworld in a millennia I was freaking out a little just thinking about it. Lainie was more than capable of running it, but what if it took months to find what I was searching for. Could I find my soul-mate, would Vegas be where he was hiding?
“Lady Hades, you don’t need to worry, I’ll just be a phone call away. I mean, the cell service down here is a nightmare, but my phone will be on me atalltimes. Texting will be the best way to reach me. If that doesn’t work, please try the mirror. There is nothing you can’t handle,” she assures me.
“Pssh, going topside isn’t what worries me. It’s the mortal dating. I’m ancient, what do I know of their rituals? It’s been so long since I’ve mingled with mortals. Gods… I may come back empty handed. What if I am doomed to rule alone?”
The loneliness switched to panic and I had to take a deep breath as fire started to roar around me. Even Lanie took a few steps back.
“Well, I’m sure your brothers can help you in that area. They are topside more than they like to admit. They may have some sound advice.”
“I’d rather spend eternity having both eyes pecked out than take their advice,” I groan and shake my head in protest. There are some lines that you just don’t cross.
Laughter rumbles in her chest. “Then stop worrying. You’ll do just fine; take your time and relax a little. Don’t let this stress you out. I filled your purse with any mortal items you may need, including your cell phone, ID, credit cards, as well as currency. Take care and enjoy this journey! I’m delighted that you are doing something so proactive.”
With a burst of flames I’m no longer in hell. Instead I’m in the middle of a busy lobby. Peeking around the pillar I materialized behind, my eyes widen at how many people fill the space.