Page 57 of Hades
“Maybe,” I reply with a wink.
He enters the gate and holds a hand out for me. “Are you ready for the movie?”
I nod and take his hand. “I am, and Frank promised the four of you in little shorts and no shirts.”
“Is that so? I mean, if that’s what you want, I’m down. Last time I wore something like that was last Halloween. I don’t know if I’ll still fit into mine.” He sighs.
“You’re more than welcome to wear nothing,” I honestly state.
As Frank takes my other hand, I ask, “So, what else do we need for the party tomorrow?”
“Just help decorating, the others always complain when they help, so I banned them from being there.”
“Sure, Frank, I’m excited to help.”
Drevi pipes up, “You say that now. Frank is a control freak when it comes to this party. He sucks the fun out of making this spot spooky.”
“I bet I’ll have a way to combat his bossiness,” I tell Drevi. “Is the penthouse all ready for movie night? What snacks do we need? Are the other two meeting us?”
“You’re just full of questions, aren’t you?”
“I may be a control freak, too.” I shrug.
“War and Pyro are already in the penthouse. I sent them ahead to get everything ready as I came for you.”
“Smart thinking, I’m glad you did, I have missed you all so much. I’m thinking we need to fix this schedule. Three months is too long without seeing you,” I say honestly.
“I agree with you there,” Drevi and Frank say at the same time.
Movie night was so relaxing that I fell asleep before the end of the film, in between Frank and Drevi. It was nice to wake up being held by the two of them.
Frank peeks at me under his lashes. "Good morning, beautiful."
"Hello to you, too, handsome. Sorry I dozed off; this is the most relaxed I've been in a while. Ruling the Underworld is tiring and stressful, I don't get this kind of sleep at home."
"Well, I'm glad you got some much-needed rest. Ready to start decorating?" he asks in a hopeful tone.
"Let me see if I can wiggle out of Drevi's grip; it's hard to walk with someone laying on your legs."
I skim a finger down Drevi's cheek, and whisper good morning to him. His eyes flutter open and a smile crosses his lips.
"You're really here," he mutters in a sleepy tone.
"Yes, my love, but I need you to get up. Frankand I have a lot to do before the party tonight. Are you coming to help us?" I ask.
"If you're there, I'm there. I have to check in with the staff at the casino first, and then I'll be yours to command."
"Oh, I like the sound of that," I say as he sits up, allowing me to stand and stretch.
"What does one wear to decorate?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.
“Just jeans and a T-shirt, make sure you wear comfortable shoes too,” Frank says.
I wink at him and snap my fingers. I’m clad in a four horseman shirt that has them depicted as skeletal unicorns, with blue jeans and black converse on.
“How’s this?”
Frank and Drevi both laugh at my shirt.