Page 63 of Arran's Obsession
As fast as he’d appeared, he was gone.
I stepped over the fence and dropped to sit on a rock the other side, my legs giving out. He was who Arran had been calling then. He’d been out in his car and presumably nearby.
God, I’d been so afraid.
It felt like forever until he came back, and my mind had sunk to misery.
Jamieson stepped over the fence and took a seat next to me. “Arran’s still occupied. I’m sure he willnae enjoy being apart from ye.”
I sniffed. “Really? I can’t imagine he’d care that much.”
The man stared at me then gave a low laugh. “Yet he sent ye to his mother’s grave and called out his best friend to come protect ye. Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”
Chapter 20
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Upon the flat stone that had been the front step of my house, I waited, staring down the approaching man.
Detective Dickhead, now Chief Constable Kenney, used to work for my father when he’d been chief of police. Kenney also used to run a sideline in private security, translation: hurting people for cash and body disposal. As far as I knew, the huge man had stopped all extracurricular activities in recent years, barely escaping prosecution after my father went down.
Still, I wouldn’t put it past him to have fingers in many shit pies.
“You’ve been out of the city, I needed to talk to you,” Kenney said.
He’d been to the club. Shade had told me.
“And you found me. Got a tracker on my car?”
He shrugged. “Lucky guess. I assumed you’d gone to McInver’s boys but stopped here first.”
“Don’t call them after their father, none took his name. Besides, you’ll be shot on sight if you go there.” Jamieson had once set fire to Kenney’s prize BMW. He wouldn’t think twice about doing it again.
Kenney tutted. “Making threats against the police?”
I held his gaze, because yes, I fucking was.
“It’s been ten years,” he finally groused.
“You’re insane if you think any of us will forget, Detective.”
“It’s Chief Constable to you.”
I inhaled, my nostrils flared. “Then you’ll address me as Lord Kendrick.”
His eyebrows went up. “Last I checked, your old man was still alive. Rotting in his jail cell but still breathing.”
Dad’s heart still beat only because I enjoyed knowing he suffered. He would meet his end at my hands when I was ready.
I lowered my gaze. “As fun as this is, going to tell me why you came to find me?”
“Your little psychopath has been stalking some of the councillors in Deadwater.”
I held still, giving nothing away. Following Genevieve’s information, Shade was acting on my orders, carrying out investigations into known users of sex workers in Deadwater’s political ranks. Cherry had been expecting a visit from one along with his friend. We were looking into who buddied up to who. Which of their vices we knew about.
“Got proof of that?” I asked.
“He was seen.”