Page 113 of Connor's Claim
Cassie’s eyes bugged out. “Who are the other two?”
“Councillors Slaughter and Blake.”
“Holy shite. Is this to interrogate them over the murders?”
“Actually, I don’t think it is. They upset me by saying offensive things about my body. I’m pretty sure that’s why he brought them in, but I didn’t even ask.”
“You’ve gone full gangster girl. I love it. But I get your point. Why ask for Piers if your da can’t deliver his half of the bargain?”
Genevieve looked between us. “Not to sound too savage, but we’ve got an opportunity here. Connor has them captured. We can ask whatever we like.”
We could, and the possibilities spread out before me. “We need to find Alisha first.”
Cassie rubbed her hands together. “Dixie will know where she is. Alisha was being cagey about something the other day, but she confided in Dixie. I saw them talking. Follow me.”
Down the room, Cassie led us to where Dixie worked on her makeup in a brightly lit mirror. “Dixie? Got a sec?”
The dancer peered around. “Sure thing. What’s up?”
“Gen and Everly are trying to find Alisha.”
She squirmed. “Oh?”
“Do ye know where she is?”
Cassie made a rolling-hands gesture for her to go on. “Did she leave the warehouse?”
Dixie lowered her gaze, her eyelashes thick and with tiny silver sparkles dotted on them. “I’m not sure she wants anyone to know yet.”
“In this environment when women are being murdered, I think ye need to spill,” the Scotswoman pressed.
The dancer sighed. “She’s gone to find Convict. She said she realised she loves him, or maybe wanted to stand in front of him and see if that’s true.”
My breath left me in a rush.
Likewise, Genevieve gasped. “But he’s joined another gang.”
“That’s what I said. Alisha thinks she can do a little spying on the side.”
“Dixie, this is important, when did she leave?” Genevieve pressed.
“A couple of hours ago. It was still daylight.”
Genevieve swore and took off down the dressing room to where Arran and Connor talked to another member of staff. She filled them in, and both men’s expressions dropped.
As a group, we moved to the management office, Manny joining us along with another man whose name I didn’t know but had the thick-necked gangster vibe down pat.
With his fingers curled into his palms, Arran waited on his ringing phone, centred on his desk in front of him. The rest of us held still in tense silence.
An answerphone kicked in.
Arran stabbed to end the call. “I didn’t expect Convict to answer, but fucking hell. What was Alisha thinking?”
Genevieve paled. “You’re going after her, aren’t you?”
He inclined his head. His gaze held hers then jumped to the crew members. “I don’t intend to create a war, but I will to bring her back. Him, too, if that’s what she wants. Give me your thoughts on how we proceed.”