Page 38 of Connor's Claim
Which meant skeletons sprang from wardrobes.
Graves stomped over.
All while trying not to hurt my sister.
I stormed across the VIP area, one hand raised to ward off the meathead bouncer who was about to take me out. Catching his incoming forearm, I held it.
“I swear to God, I’m not here to do harm.” Though harm would be done anyway. “I’ll say my piece then I’ll leave. You can stand behind me and hold my arms. Whatever works for you.”
“Mick, stop. Let him approach. He’s my brother, he’s not going to hurt anyone,” Gen said, half standing from a booth.
Beside her, two other women stared on. A cute black-haired pixie of a girl I’d seen a few times now, and the woman I’d come to see.
For days, I’d tried to get her alone. Either she’d been sequestered away here or she’d left work early. Thank fuck I’d finally reached her.
Mick the meathead paused between me and the table, that big arm still blocking me and his head swivelling to Gen. “Shade gave specific instructions that no man is allowed near Ms Makepeace.”
Everly gave him a patient smile. “He wants to keep me safe from another gang, not Genevieve’s brother. It’s okay.”
I moved in, stopping at the arm barrier so the guard dog didn’t bite. I spared a glance for Gen but focused on Everly. “You remember me, right?”
She gave a tiny nod. “From my house.”
“What were you doing at her house?” Gen asked. “Was this why you were trying to speak to me a couple of nights ago? I called back, but you didn’t answer.”
“I went to warn her that she’s in danger of being kidnapped,” I said.
Gen blinked, shutting her mouth.
Their dark-haired friend gestured between Everly and the wider warehouse. “That’s why Shade brought ye here and is all grouchy. Got it.” She turned to me, her chin on her hands. “Continue.”
Despite myself, I smiled. “Thanks…?”
“Cassie. We met when Shade locked ye in his bedroom.”
“Also when your brother threatened to set me on fire.”
Cassie giggled. “That was Shade offering on Jamieson’s behalf, but he would’ve.”
Fuck. Noted.
I’d noticed her then, because of course I fucking did—she was gorgeous. I’d also seen her at the building site where I worked, of all unlikely places, but it was definitely her. I’d recognise that feline little face anywhere, and the expression of pure mischief that surrounded her.
Bee-stung lips and a cocky attitude worked for me.
My body gave a kick of poorly timed interest, but I slammed down on it. After the fuck-up of my last unwanted entanglement, I’d sworn off women entirely.
“That risk is still active,” I continued, switching back to Everly, and with my voice loud enough to be heard over the thumping music. “I’m glad you’re here and protected, but I know someone else is still after you. I needed to see that you’re okay and to make sure you understood the situation.”
Everly inclined her head, her gaze roving over my face. Taking me in the same as I was her. “Connor—Shade, I mean—thinks the same. Hence why I’m here. Can you tell me…?” She faltered in her question, the curiosity shifting to confusion. “Where do I know you from? We’ve met before, haven’t we? Aside from when you were in my house. You’re so familiar.”
She remembered.
My heart thundered, but I darted a look at Gen and talked myself out of that clusterfuck of a confession. If I could get through this without having to give that up, we’d all be better off.
And I wouldn’t be breaking a confidence from beyond the grave.