Page 54 of Connor's Claim
Sauntering past the cops with a body over my shoulder wasn’t a good look.
I returned to the bed and picked up her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm. “Ye can’t hear me, but I’m going to get us out of here.”
Everly needed her possessions, so I collected the holdall she must’ve left here earlier and pulled out the work clothes, stuffinga better selection in their place. Soft leggings and long t-shirts. Her favourite hoodie. Pretty dresses that would suit a night out or seeing her friends, but not a work function.
Comfortable underwear along with the sexy-as-fuck stuff I wanted to see.
I tossed her laptop but left everything else in the bag. Makeup, her vibrator, contraceptive pills.
I lingered over the last item, and a new thought took over my mind. She’d wanted a baby more than anything. Above a career, and definitely above me. It was no effort to convince myself she didn’t need them anymore, but I’d need to convince her of the fact, which could take some time. Instead, I snapped a picture and sent it to my dealer, Marcus.
Shade: Make me a new pack of these, identical but sugar pills.
His reply was almost instant.
Marcus: Easily available. I’ll have them ready tonight.
Then we were ready to leave. No matter what, I was keeping Everly. Even if I had to trap her to make her stay.
As quietly as I could, I scoped out the house and garden. The mayor and his flunky were at the front door, talking together in low voices. Blue flashing lights lit the street.
It was now or never.
Bundling Everly in a sheet and tying a second one to it in a thick knot, I carried her to the balcony, checked to see no one was below, then slowly lowered her over the ledge, bracing myself to give her the softest descent. This was risky as fuck, but the alternative was…non-existent. When she touched theground, I tossed her bag, climbed over the rail, and dropped noiselessly to the ground.
I held my crouch and unwrapped her, lifted her into my arms, then jogged down the path, heading for the tree line at the bottom of the garden. Out in the night, I was in my element. Arran had given me the nickname ‘Shade’ based on my preference for lurking at the back, being the watcher from the shadows. I knew how to use them and how to stay out of sight.
Sounds were louder in the dark, so I could hear a bark of complaint from the mayor out on the street then a retort from the police as they exited their vehicles, throwing around orders as if they could make a difference and undo the dead.
They’d done fuck all for the other women who’d died. Cherry had been discounted as a victim of her sex worker career, and Natasha’s death had been pinned on an internet stalker, debunked, then forgotten. Later, I’d find out what had happened here and if there was a connection, but right now, I needed to get Everly to safety.
Ducking through a hedgerow, I got us to the cover of the trees. Soft earth crumbled under my shoes.
“Everly?” a call chased us.
Through a gap in the branches, I made out the dickhead man who’d tried to break into her room. He stood on the patio under her room, the draped white sheet in his hands.
He was a big fucker. All fake muscles and a clean jaw.
I was going to enjoy taking him apart.
He glared down the garden and strode out. I could maybe outrun him and get to my car which was down the end of the alley again, and that would need to be quick as the cops were no doubt closing down the scene.
Strolling past with an unconscious lass would be a lark, but not so good for my objective for the evening.
“Everly, don’t you fucking dare run from me.” Piers drew closer, raking over the bushes with a mean gaze. At his sides, his fists were bunched.
He wanted to hurt her.
I’d kill him for even thinking it.
Gently, I placed her on a patch of leaf-strewn ground then turned, prowling down the line of the trees and echoing Piers’ path. He didn’t know the layout, I guessed. Where the exit points were. The fact there was a serial killer hidden and waiting to pounce.
“Come out,” he instructed. “I’ll forgive this once but not a second time. You will regret it.”
So fucking dead.
He closed in on the oak tree where he could duck under without dirtying his pretty clothes. Without even showing my face, I snapped out a fist from the leaf cover, smacking into the side of his face with a satisfying crunch.