Page 20 of No Mane, No Gain
Olive’s eyes lit up with amusement. “Well, we’ll have to see if we can broaden your literary horizons,” she teased. “I’m sure we could find a few romance novels that might pique your interest.”
The playful lilt in her voice sent a shiver down Chaos’s spine. “I’d be open to... expanding my tastes,” he replied, his voice dropping to a lower register. He was rewarded with the sight of Olive’s pupils dilating slightly, her breath catching in her throat.
The sexual tension between them crackled. He opened his mouth to respond, his mind racing for something clever and flirtatious to say, when a new voice cut through the moment like a bucket of ice water.
“Chaos, darling, there you are!”
Chaos suppressed a groan as his sister, Tia, slid up to them. She linked her arm through his possessively, her hazel eyes sweeping over Olive with thinly veiled disdain.
“Tia,” Chaos said, unable to keep a hint of irritation from his voice. “I’d like you to meet Olive Russo, the chairwoman of this event. Olive, this is my sister, Tia Amato.”
“Charmed, I’m sure,” Tia said, her tone suggesting she was anything but. “What a... quaint little event you’ve put together here. It must have been quite the undertaking for someone so... new to the charity circuit.”
Chaos tensed, ready to reprimand his sister for her rudeness. But before he could speak, Olive’s voice rang out, sweet as honey but with a sharp edge that made his lion purr with approval.
“Oh, it’s been a labor of love,” Olive replied, her smile never wavering. “But then, isn’t that what all the best things in life are? I’m sure you’d know all about that, given your... extensive experience with social events.”
Tia’s eyes narrowed, clearly catching the subtle dig. Chaos had to cough to cover a laugh. This woman was not only beautiful but quick-witted as well. His attraction to her grew by the second.
“Indeed,” Tia said, her voice cold. “Well, I’m sure you have many other guests to attend to. We won’t keep you.”
“Actually,” Chaos interjected, gently but firmly removing his arm from Tia’s grasp, “I was hoping to speak with Olive a bit more about the foundation’s work. Why don’t you go mingle, Tia? I’m sure there are plenty of people here you’d love to catch up with.”
Tia’s lips pursed in obvious displeasure, but she released Chaos’s arm. “Of course. Don’t let me keep you from your... philanthropy.” With a final icy glare at Olive, she sashayed off into the crowd.
“I apologize for my little sister,” Chaos said once Tia was gone. “She can be a bit... protective.”
Olive waved off his apology with a smile that made his heart skip a beat. “No need to apologize. I have a sister too; I know how they can be. Though I have to say, your sister makes mine look positively angelic in comparison.”
Chaos chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. “I find that hard to believe. You seem far too charming to have sprouted from the same family tree as someone truly demonic.”
“Flatterer,” Olive accused, though he could see the pleased smile she couldn’t quite hide. “I’ll have you know I can be quite the hellion when the mood strikes me.”
“Is that so?” Chaos leaned in slightly, unable to resist the pull of her presence. “I’d be very interested in seeing that side of you, Olive.”
The air between them pulsed. Olive’s cheeks flushed a delicate pink, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of intrigue and caution. Chaos’s lion paced restlessly within him, urging him to claim this woman as his mate right then and there.
But before either of them could speak, a throat cleared beside them. Chaos turned to find a striking woman with dark hair and green eyes standing there, an amused smirk on her face.
“Sorry to interrupt,” the woman said, not sounding sorry at all, “but Olive, they need you on stage. It’s time for your welcome speech.”
Olive blinked as if coming out of a daze. “Right, of course,” she said, smoothing down her dress. “Thank you, Athena. Mr. Amato - Chaos - it was lovely to meet you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.”
“The pleasure was all mine, Olive,” Chaos replied, his gaze never leaving her face. “I look forward to continuing our conversation... later.”
Olive’s smile widened, a mix of excitement and nervousness flashing in her eyes. “I’d like that,” she said softly. With a final nod, she turned and made her way toward the stage, Athena following close behind.
Chaos watched her go, his enhanced hearing picking up their whispered conversation.
“Oh my god, Thena,” Olive hissed. “Did you see that man? He’s like something straight out of a romance novel!”
Athena laughed. “Oh, I saw all right. And so did everyone else in this room. The sexual tension between you two could power half of Manhattan.”
Their voices faded as they disappeared into the crowd, but Chaos couldn’t wipe the grin off his face. So, he wasn’t the only one who had felt that immediate connection.
As Olive took the stage, Chaos found himself captivated once more. Her welcome speech was eloquent and passionate, highlighting the foundation’s achievements and future goals. But more than her words, it was the genuine enthusiasm in her voice and the sparkle in her eyes that held his attention.
“...and so, with your continued support, we can ensure that the magic of literature reaches every corner of our community,” Olive concluded, her passion evident in every word. “Thank you all, and please, enjoy the evening!”