Page 1 of Spirit Island
Chapter One
Serin watched the ropetie itself, pulling the boat snugly against the dock. “You aregetting good at that.”
“I get topractice here. Not a lot of prying eyes.” Jane’s voice was soft,and she cradled her toddler with care.
Belle smiled.“I am going to head to my hotel room. Thanks for the ride,ladies.”
Serin and Janesmiled as they left the boat. “It was our pleasure.”
Belle noddedand headed off into the darkness, fading as if she hadn’t beenthere at all.
Serin smiled.“That’s new. Come on. Let’s get back to my place and get Terrosettled in.”
They walkedacross the dock and through the port. They nodded to the guards whohad recently been employed at the dock.
One of the mencame forward. “Miss Serin, can I walk you to your home? There hasbeen a kidnapping this week.”
“Certainly,Kidon. Thank you.”
Kidon looked atthe child. “Would you like me to carry him?”
“No, thank you.He’s comfortable with me. I haul him around a lot.” Janechuckled.
Kidon nodded.“You are staying in the village?”
Serin smiled.“The new build near the palace.”
“Right. Weshould get walking then.”
Jane startedwalking and heading toward the path that bypassed the village andheaded into the hills. Every day as a mom was leg day. Serinfollowed her friend with a smile.
They walked themile and a half up to the town and then headed down the path to thenew build.
Serin openedthe door and sighed. “There isn’t much furnishing yet, but it’swarm and dry and free.”
“Three words Ilove. Can I make it cozy?”
Jane shiftedher son, lifted one hand gracefully, and then flexed her hand, andthe room had low chairs next to low tables and rolls of bedding andcushions. Another flick of her fingers and the rolls became bedswith pillows and light sheets.
Serin grinned.“So, who do I owe?”
“The shop inthe town. The one with the carved fish on the door.”
“Right. I willpay them tomorrow morning.”
“Great. Did youwant some nightwear?”
“A loose gownwould be great for the sake of sharing a room here.”
Another flickand everyone was ready for bed.
“You change hisdiapers like that?”
Jane grinnedand settled on her bed. “Wouldn’t you? I have diapers in my room inthe village. I am probably freaking out housekeeping.”
“You were hereon business.”