Page 13 of Spirit Island
The eel waswrapping around Belle, and she wrestled him until he stoppedthrashing and hung from her grasp. She dropped him into the waterand turned to look at Orc and Thera. She sank low, and Thera feltthe vessel speed up.
Orc muttered,“Hang on. I think she’s getting us clear.”
“Yeah. That’swhat it feels like.” Thera grabbed Orc and held on.
They werepulled along like a tub toy until they were at the end of thestraight. The boat went still, and suddenly, a very naked Bellecrawled onto the deck. She flipped her blue and green hair back andhuffed. “Anyone have a towel?”
Thera grinned.“Here you go. May I say you are tall.”
Belle dried herhair and ignored her body until her hair was sorted. When that wasdry, she wrapped the towel around her. “So, how tall did Iget?”
Thera looked ather curious expression and laughed. “About a hundred feet.”
Orc added.“Above the water. Half of you was below the surface.”
Belle smiled.“I thought so. I am one big bitch.”
Orc snorted.“Xo certainly thinks so.”
“Is that theeel?”
Belle smirked.“Home, Orc. That made me hungry.”
The enginerevved, and they headed back to the village. Thera tried to askBelle about her skill, but her answers were vague.
“Quite frankly,this is the first time that I have been able to do it. I knew Icould, but this was proof of concept. I am surprised at my height,though. That’s unexpected.”
Thera stared.“You are kidding. You just jumped in front of him and had no ideawhat would happen?”
“No clue. Well,I knew I wouldn’t be injured. You can’t hurt water.”
Thera got Belleher clothing, and she dressed and was politely sitting when theygot back to the dock.
Thera asked,“Can we join you for dinner? The other guys are just comingin.”
The second boatwas gliding toward the dock with a bunch of giggling ladies onit.
The momentSkaay and Kayak had the ladies safely on dry land, they rushedtoward Thera and took turns kissing her in front of the shockedbetas.
Thera felttheir desperation and held them in turn, stroking their cheeks andshoulders. “There, there. The horny ladies can’t come after youanymore.”
Skaay looked ather. “They were scary.”
Kayak nodded.“Well, except that one lady who kept them from molesting us, butthey were biting us with their eyes.”
Thera looked atthe woman who was so serene it wasn’t funny. She ushered hercollection of drunk friends back to the village. The brunette withdark brown eyes looked toward her with a slight smile andnodded.
Belle chuckled.“She’s competent and good at dealing with drunks.”
Thera smiledand made the introductions, but Kayak grinned. “Ding-dong!”
He grabbedBelle and swung her around. He set her down. “Wow, you grew up. Andout.”
“Thanks, Kayak.You look as dense as always.”
Thera grinned.“We are going for dinner. Are you two joining us?”