Page 19 of Spirit Island
She removed herskirt and shoes, then scrubbed her skin briskly. When rinsed andsqueaky clean, she looked at the warm pool and walked over to joinXo. She stepped into the pool while loosely tying her hair into afloppy knot on her head.
Belle swam outin the warm water and hummed. “This is nice.”
Xo stared. “Youare not shy.”
“Modesty hasits place, but this isn’t it.” She glanced over her shoulder as shecruised past him.
Xo lunged andwrapped his arms around her from behind. “That is a relief. Youhave had alphas before?”
“A while ago,but yes.” She glanced at him over her shoulder. “I won’t say youdon’t have anything I haven’t seen before, but there will beminimal shock to my senses.”
He let out ahiss, and his rut was taking over. He had held it back until he gotsomewhere safe.
Xo nibbled onher neck, licked it, and slid his hand down her front to cup hersex.
The ride to thestrait had been rapid foreplay, so his fingers dipped and swirledin her heat as she held still to keep him from biting.
When hisfingers felt what they had been seeking, he moved them near thestone edge of the pool and slid into her.
Belle’s eyeswidened as he moved into her, and she whined and moaned while herhips jerked and twitched.
Xo stroked hishands down her back and settled his hands on her hips. He startedto thrust and retreat in a heavy and heady rhythm.
Belle stared atthe stone in front of her and held onto the rough ledge. She wasgetting close to a shattering orgasm, but Xo got there first.
He held himselfinside her with his hands gripping her hips. He shuddered, and thetemperature inside her rivalled that outside in the pool.
“You weren’twith me.” His voice was soft.
“I wasnot.”
He leanedforward and whispered in her ear. “You held back?”
“You were aheadof me.”
He paused andchuckled. “I suppose I was.”
She looked athim. “Are you stuck?”
“No. Justenjoying your heat.” He groaned softly. “You feel like you weremade for me.”
Belle closedher eyes and smiled at the aches of heat inside her where shegently stretched around him. “You are a nice fit.”
He chuckledsoftly and nuzzled her neck. His cock got rigid inside her onceagain, and she slowly started to thrash against him.
He grunted andmuttered, “Not this time.” He eased out of her and turned her,lifting her to the outcropping of stone she had been gripping.
She frowned andstared at him. “What?”
He pried herknees apart and leaned in. “This time, you will be with me.”
“What?” She wasrepeating herself, but when his tongue slipped over her sex and herclit throbbed on contact, she scrambled for somewhere to holdon.
She could feelhis teeth against her as he grinned. He took her hands and placedone on his head and the other on his shoulder.
He flicked hisgaze to her and then dove in. She felt the fangs pressing againsther soft flesh, and his tongue stroked hard at her. Shock kept herfrom reacting for a few moments, and then, he eased three fingersinto her and licked and swirled around her clit.
She gasped,whined, and shivered hard as he continued to torment her while hersex pulsed around his fingers and her clit throbbed.