Page 21 of Spirit Island
Deno strokedher hair. “We will sort this out, Belle.”
Serin watchedfrom the doorway, and she closed the door when Deno emerged. “Weare going to fix this. Xo wasn’t in his right mind.”
Deno nodded asthey went back to their room. They lay down again, and Serin curledinto his arms. He kissed her softly and then with more intensity asher body answered his.
They movedtogether, and the trees and shrubs across the island bloomedbrightly.
* * * *
Belle got up at dawnand put on a set of sportswear. She got some water and headed forthe catamaran, docked and waiting. It was small but suitable forthis adventure, and she checked everything, getting the chargingunits for the drones and mounted the camera to the left pontoon,and another was on the tip of the mast. She checked on the feeds,cast off, and sailed into the dawn.
She calledDeno. “I am doing the run around the island. Call you when I amdone.” She left the message, put her phone in a waterproof pouch,and let the sail pull her down the coastline. It was just the breakher mind needed.
* * * *
Serin opened theguestroom, and the bedding was neatly folded with only a slight dipin the pillow to show she had even been there.
“Deno, Belle isgone.”
He wastowelling his hair. “What?”
“Did shecall?”
He went tocheck his phone, and they heard her message. “Shit. She’sgone.”
“She is. Thereis a storm coming. I am hoping that she gets into the strait beforeit hits.”
There was aknock at the door, and Serin went to answer it. “Xo?”
Deno followedher, and she could feel the hostility bristling from him.
Xo’s eyes werehollow. “Serin, Kekoa told me I could find you here and probablyBelle.”
Serin nodded.“Belle isn’t here. She needs to distract herself after the disasterof your encounter yesterday, so she is taking a catamaran up thecoastline and through the strait.”
“There is astorm coming.” Xo looked around.
Serin grabbedhis arm. “Come in. Have food. We will talk about themiscommunication last night.”
Xo frowned.
Deno wasgrowling at him, and Xo’s hackles rose or, rather, a fin of hairlifted and waved gently.
Serin sighed.“Deno, the growling doesn’t do any good. Nor will the vines makingfists outside in the garden.”
Serin led Xo tothe living room, and tea and some fruit were set out. “Come on, youhaven’t had breakfast. Belle didn’t either, but she has topped upon the energy of the island.”
Xo swallowed.“She was upset?”
Deno frowned.“She got drunk. She never gets drunk. It only took her threecocktails, but still. Before chemo, she could take down atwo-four.”
Xo frowned.“Chemo? She’s ill?”
Serin pouredtea. “Was. She’s supposed to avoid pregnancy for five months, butit has already been two. Mind you, the doctors that recommendedthat do not have access to the islands.”
Xo nodded.“True. She is competent on the water?”