Page 32 of Spirit Island
Monique asked,“He is two?”
“He is. Just afew weeks ago. We had a big party.”
“Why haven’tyou contacted my son?” The deep voice came from the dark figurewith the tell-tale marks on his face.
“I didn’t knowwho he was. I was in a flash heat, he had a flash rut, and we wereboth at the same event. I woke up and returned home, not havingcollected any information from him.”
“But youcollected a child.”
“I got somesperm. It was my efforts that turned that into a child. I hadfriends who helped me through the pregnancy, and now, I have a son.Well, we have a son. As soon as I got him to the islands, everyoneknew who his father was for some reason.”
Terro’sgrandfather grinned. “He is a stunning little lad.”
Monique saidsoftly, “Could he have siblings?”
Andreuxfrowned. “I hadn’t thought of that. One is the usual withalpha-beta pairings.”
“Oh, I can haveas many as I want. The OB confirmed that I suffered no damage andam in great shape for it. No issue there.” She looked at them allblandly. “But I have been a single parent once, and I don’t think Ican manage Terro and another on my own, so it will be a possibilityI won’t exercise.”
Andreuxfinished chewing on the meat-fruit-cookie mix that had just beenwedged in his jaws. “What if you had help?”
“Well, I amused to working, and being kept or a gold digger has noappeal.”
His parentsflinched.
“So, maybe if Ihave another heat and happen to have your number, I could call youif you aren’t busy? But this time, wear protection.”
Eonic asked,“You don’t want our son?”
“I didn’trealize he was up for grabs. Sure. Wrap him up and put a bow onhim.”
Eonic darkened.“You are mocking us.”
“No, I justrequire more than ‘you make cute kids’ as a come-on line.” Shecalmly cleaned Terro’s hands, and he wiggled down and ran off tothe garden again. The door was still open, and he giggled as he raninside.
Andreux smiled.“I am trying.”
“With Terro, itis going to be impossible.” She smiled.
She got to herfeet. “Please excuse me. My master’s voice summons me.”
She turned andheaded to the garden to play tag with her son.
* * * *
Andreux looked at hisparents. “So, any tips on how to court a woman who has already hadyour child, but you just learned his and her names yesterday?”
His fathercocked his head. “It looks like you need babysitters.”
“Yes, but Orlais newly mated, and she is his favourite person.”
“Who isOrla?”
“She’s mated toLigo and a doctor from Emerald named Iro.” Andreux sighed. “Theirsounds are getting further, so I had better rescue Jane again.” Heheaded for the garden.
His motherblinked. “Avenar must be thrilled. Oh, dear. I should pop in to sayhello. Avenar is obsessed with her son.”