Page 35 of Spirit Island
“She is. Myfather was travelling after university and found her on her owntrip. He re-directed her route and swept her away to theislands.”
“You showed upforty weeks later?”
“No,surprisingly, it was two years.” Andreux chuckled.
Jane paused andnodded. “Oh. That makes sense.”
Andreux asked,“What makes sense?”
“You are anonly child?”
“Could you havebeen a second attempt?”
He froze. “Sonof a bitch. I hadn’t considered that.”
“It is commonenough. The strange energy that is infesting the betas seems toincrease our odds. The world is going to look different when ourchildren are in charge of it. At this point, anywhere Terro is willbe filled with candy and stuffed animals.” She grimaced.
Andreux laughedand poured the tea. “I saw the video, but were you really allright?”
“I wasterrified. I even named him after it.”
He blinked.“Terro. For terror.”
“Yup. I don’tcare who you are. Not knowing anything about your breeding partneris terrifying. Fortunately, I have friends who have had kids withalphas of astonishing size, and they kept me calm. Nora’s babyAurora was huge.”
He winced. “Howbig was he?”
He frowned. “Isthat good or bad?”
“It is normal.I think Aurora was ten.”
“Wow.” Hesmiled. “Well, if you do agree to my pursuit, at least the otherbabies will be of a known size.”
She snorted andsipped her water. “Not selling it so far.”
“You cancontinue your occupation?”
“I would dothat anyway.” She smiled. “It’s fun, and I am very good withspecial effects. I had a friend who worked for a video gamecompany, and she taught me a lot during my blue days duringpregnancy. I did the bookkeeping for some small projects as we gotready for this big move and a few teaser trailers in the lastweek.”
“For what?”
“Moving aversion of Alphas versus Betas here.”
“Yeah, we aregoing to call it Island Learning Curve.” Jane smiled. “It has thepotential to run for a decade or so and will showcase the islandsat their best. We will bump up the population and get some morefemales in the mix because this place is sausage-heavy.” Shesmirked and finished her water, taking the tea he handed her.
“Interestingand not flattering. Wait, how are you here in the islands?”
“Work visa. Itlasts a year.” She sipped at the tea. “Oh, this is nice.”
“Thank you. Itis the family business.”