Page 39 of Spirit Island
Iro was makingfaces at Terro, and the toddler was laughing.
Andreux lookedat the sudden gathering. “This is unexpected.”
Serin looked atJane. “Do you have notes?”
“I do.”
Serin looked atAndreux. “I need to borrow her.”
“Uh, sure.”
Jane and Serinwent to the computer room, and she got her laptop out. They wentthrough the previous mockup of the ad for the islands, and then,Jane put the footage in that Aeryn had recorded. The images wereclipped with photos from the islands, and then, the soundtrack ledthe viewer on a pulse-pounding trip through the islands.
“Oh, that’sgood. I just need to run this past Kekoa.” She grinned. “This isjust the type of thing we needed.”
“Single womantakes the islands?”
“Exactly. Now,show me Thera’s.”
Thera’sunderwater adventures, including the photo shoot on the reef, wereadorable and showed a woman enjoying the island alone, even thoughThera’s pod was taking the images. The music was soft and dreamy,and the same tagline ofWhat can you do in five days?floated past.
“Oh, that islovely. A different vibe.”
“Definitely.Thera is more fun; Aeryn is lovely eye candy.”
“And no hint ather height in the video.” Jane smiled.
Jane sighed andcaught the little guy as he launched into her arms. The computerwas set to the side as Jane got climbed.
Serin smiled.“Orla has agreed to take him for a night. It will be a crash coursefor Ligo and Iro.”
“Why would Orlaneed to take him?”
Serin gave hera knowing look. “The same reason you didn’t come back to my houseand had a hotel room arranged instead. Sometimes, the only privacyis privacy. Don’t worry. They are staying on this island in theguest quarters.”
“Why did youarrange that?”
“Because youand Andreux need time actually to meet each other, and date nightsare key to that goal.”
“What’s in itfor Orla’s group?”
“Practice witha sturdy subject.”
Jane laughedand looked at the subject in question. “He is that.”
“Well, you havedone some great work considering the time constraint. How much morecan we do?”
“We have enoughisland footage and mixed footage to do about seven more. We havelicensed songs for twelve more.”
“When are youready to start on the competition footage?”
Jane grinned.“It has already started. The first candidate has signed off andstarted trials. Ohno’s hotel is very convenient forrecruiting.”
“You are thelittle go-getter.”