Page 46 of Spirit Island
“Oh, she wastalking about your imports.” He smirked.
“Yes, a wholelot of coconuts. You get to be a pineapple, I think. That makesTerro a pina colada.”
Terro waschattering as he played with his toy. He looked at her andsmiled.
Andreux sighed.“That is the first and last trade show I am ever going to.”
“Yeah. Iwouldn’t want to flit and bring you home in pieces.” She looked upat him with a feral grin.
“That soundeddangerous.”
“I havedefended myself and Terro from predatory males. Apparently, we madean adorable set, just ready for acquisition.” She smiled. “I have adelightfully strong right hook.”
His eyes wereoutraged. “They tried to acquire you?”
“Yeah.” Sheshrugged. It was pretty normal in her circles. The ladies of thebook club were known to be powerful. It was attractive to alphaswith a strong protective streak. It was common knowledge that manyof the ladies had suffered, and it appealed to the heroic knight ina lot of them. They soon learn that the ladies survived out offorce of will, not being saved. They survived on their own. Theyrecovered with help. The ladies of the book club were not for theweak.
Andreux smiled.“I am glad I didn’t have to find out firsthand. I mightilyappreciate your muscle tone.”
She grinned andlooked at them. “So, you two are both dressed. What are the chancesthat I can sprint to the bathroom without witnesses.”
“If you cansprint, I will get you another bagel.” The look in his eyes wasamused.
She made aface, and he grinned. He grabbed Terro. “Come on, little man. Let’sleave Mom some time to get dressed.”
“Dressed? I amgoing for a shower.”
He nodded.“Come on, Terro. Grandmama is an early riser, and I think she wouldlove to stuff you with pastry.” He chatted to Terro as theyleft.
Jane set hercoffee down and flipped the sheet aside, getting out of bed with agroan and walking slowly to the bathroom. She was in the showerwhen Andreux joined her and helped rub her down.
She groanedsoftly as his fingers worked her tight muscles into a relaxed andfloppy state. “Now I am regretting not finding you the lasttime.”
He chuckled. “Ihave my regrets as well but only for the missed time.”
“Is my bag inyour room?”
“Our room.”
She sighed. “Ididn’t finish my coffee. Don’t be cute.”
“I am adorable,and I make adorable babies. Wanna cuddle together and do mathlater?”
“I don’t thinkwe are going to be short on cuddling. You seem very touchy.”
He chuckled. “Ican’t believe you are home with me. I can’t believe he is here,that he exists at all.”
“I can believeit. Sometimes a dream, sometimes a nightmare. He’s a fast littledude.”
“He’s our fastlittle dude.” He held her.
“You areadapting to fatherhood really well.”
“Part of meknew he was here, but the other part of me was horrified at whatthat would mean for you.”
“We both madeit through with flying colours.”
“If it happensagain, I want to be there.”