Page 32 of Ravaged Hearts
We had looked alike back in those days. Not so much anymore.
Hope flipped to the next photo and made a choked sound. “Holy hotness. I think my ovaries just went into meltdown.”
It was a rare group photo of the Zulu guys that Sage had found on Brandon’s computer and printed for us. We’d been waiting for the go-ahead on an op in Panama and had decided to blow off steam by playing a friendly game of football. As usual, it’d devolved into an all-out battle, because that was what happened whenever a bunch of testosterone-fueled overachievers entered anything even remotely competitive. We were shirtless, sweaty, and covered in grass and mud stains. I recalled being utterly exhausted at the time the photo was taken, but all of us wore the same satisfied grin despite our many bruises.
“Give me that.” I tried to swipe the photo from Hope’s hands, but she yanked it out of reach.
“No way. I haven’t seen so many seminaked hotties since watchingMagic Mike. Let me salivate a little longer.” Her mouth gaped. “Oh my God. Is that Brandon holding the ball?”
“Uh-huh.” I groaned and waited for her to comment on his good looks. Brandon always drew women’s attention.
Instead, she asked, “Wait, where are you?”
It took Hope a moment longer to find me, and there wasgood reason for that. I hardly resembled the guy in the photo. She stared at the image in silence, her excitement extinguished as her eyes remained on the man I used to be.
“You look so different,” she said quietly.
I cleared my throat. “That was…before.”
No scars. No tattoos. No perpetual chip on my shoulder. Kane had his arm flung around my neck, something he’d never attempt now. I was smiling so hard it looked like my face must hurt. In those days, my biggest problems were running out of my favorite snacks while out of country and making sure my brothers came out of every mission alive.
A week ago, I might’ve told Hope that version of me was lost forever. But spending time with her, beingunderstoodby her, made me wonder if a little of that carefree man still existed somewhere deep inside.
Her eyes came to mine. “I wouldn’t trade you for him, if that’s what you’re wondering. It just hurts to know why you changed so much.”
I took the photos from her and tossed them back into the nightstand drawer. Then I cupped her face in my hands and traced my thumb over the scars on her cheek. “Everything that’s happened in my life has led me to you. I don’t regret any of it.”
Hope gave me a sad smile and put her arms around my neck. “Is it weird having a woman in your bedroom going through your stuff? I mean, I’m assuming this isn’t a regular thing, but correct me if I’m wrong.”
“You’re not wrong, but let me make this perfectly clear.”
She gasped when I curled my arm around her waist and hauled her against me.
“There’s nothing weird about having you here. I want you in my home, I want you in my bed, and I want you in my life. If I get my way, once all this bullshit with the PCC is over, I’m going to keep you here so I can send you to sleep satisfied every nightafter you’ve come on my cock, then wake you up in the morning with my face between your thighs.”
Her amused eyes darted between mine, and she licked her full lips. Goddamn, I wanted to devour her. “Will we be doing anything other than having sex?”
“Nope.” I popped the P. “And I have it all planned out. I’ll fuck you, feed you, then fuck you some more. Might let you get a little rest in so you’re strong enough to go again. I’ll put a sign out front warning potential visitors to turn around and drive back down the mountain, because Gatita, we won’t be having guests over. It’ll be us, this cabin, and me making damn certain you’ve been railed against every surface in here.”
Hope’s throat shifted as she swallowed deeply. “You’re giving me some extreme kitty flutters here. Has anyone ever told you that you’re intense?”
“No, because I’ve never been like this with anyone before. Come on. The bath will be ready.” I kissed her forehead, took her by the hand, and led her to the en suite.
After checking the water temperature, I turned off the tap.
We stripped out of our clothes, then I stepped into the tub and gestured for Hope to climb in with me. I positioned myself at one end and drew her back to my chest.
Hope sighed as she leaned her head against my shoulder, and slowly, my muscles uncoiled. We sat like that for a while, just the two of us soaking in near silence. The only sounds were the occasional drip of water from the faucet and the crackle from the fireplace downstairs.
This woman. Her presence brought me peace because having her near meant she was safe. And right now, that felt like the only thing in the world I needed.
Hope ran her fingertips across the hand I rested upon the edge of the tub. “How are you feeling?”
I wrapped my free arm around her waist and tugged her closer, enjoying the sensation of her soft skin against mine. “Relaxed. Like I’m in complete control of my reactions. Except for my cock, but there’s nothing I can do about that.”
To prove my point, I ground my hardness into her lower back. I tried not to think about how easy it would be to slide myself inside her with a little crafty maneuvering.
Hope laughed lazily. “I like that I do that to you. Does that make me cruel?”