Page 14 of Crimson Mate
Fucking hell. I hold myself absolutely still, not at all confident that if I move toward them I won’t send him flying across the room on principle.
“I’m here with someone,” she says, and the fire inside me cools slightly. “But thank you.”
“Hmm,” he says, tilting his head. “I would’ve pegged you for a woman who likes to fly solo.”
She shrugs, her kind smile starting to edge with irritation.
“If you change your mind,” he continues, moving away. “I’ll be around.” He disappears into the crowd, and I finally take a breath.
I catch up with Talia, who's keen eyes are now scanning the room for her target in a way that’s so familiar to my own hunter unit.
Gone is the soft, pliable female I used to know, the one who laughed freely, and danced so demurely at her family’s parties that seemed endless. She’s been replaced with the strong, formidable, fearless female, the combination of the two versions of herself a perfect mixture I can't resist.
“That was an interesting exchange,” I say once I reach her.
“It happens,” she says. “Nothing to get riled over.”
“Who says I’m riled?”
Talia smirks at me, trailing her finger over the line of my jaw. “This is certainly taut,” she says, and I sigh at her soft touch.
She draws her hand back as I shift closer to her, bringing my lips to the shell of her ear.
“Xavier says Conrad is here,” I whisper as she looks over a small, carved statue of a woman lying at rest.
“Do you remember him?” she asks, nodding toward the statue. “This is from his familial line. His late wife.” She glances up at me.
“I remember him,” I say, shaking my head. “I never liked him and I always thought his interest in you bordered on obsessive, but I never would’ve suspected this.”
Talia sighs. “Xavier said he's been hunting heirlooms, correct?”
I nod. “Who told you?”
“I gathered as much,” she answers. “I've tracked him all over the last six months. Wherever we go, it's always connected to one of the ancient noble families, and something always goes missing from their vaults. Any idea what he's doing with them? Did your friend give you a hint?”
“No,” I answer. “But we should wait to move until he has it in his possession. After he bids on it to make sure this is the item he’s after. Then we grab him without a scene. Agreed?”
“I'm not the one who causes scenes,” she says. “You're the one who likes to grab unsuspecting females and wend them wherever you like.”
“I do not grab unsuspecting females,” I whisper, following her to the next display case, ensuring that we look like any other humans interested in the items. “I tookyou. My mate?—”
“Ex,” she declares.
“Iamsorry for wending you the other night, but I couldn't think straight. I was told you were dead. Then suddenly you’re before me and we’d just eliminated a massive threat. I needed to protect you at all costs?—”
“I don't need your protection anymore, Zachariah,” she cuts me off. The vigor in her tone draws a few eyes, and I gently grip her elbow and lead her away from the crowd to a small alcove attached to a stairwell.
“I’m well aware you don't need me, Talia,” I say. “But I’m here. With you?—”
Talia's eyes widen at something behind me, drawing my gaze.
“Conrad,” she whispers as I turn to see him heading this direction. “Shit, we have to move now. If he sees me, he’ll bolt. He always does.”
“We can’t grab him now. We have to be certain about the item he’s after so we can ascertain what exactly he’s after?—"
“Goddammit,” she groans, throwing her arms around my neck.
She presses her lips to mine, drawing me close.