Page 67 of The Best Number
“Of course.” I take a step back, already missing his hug.
“Can I check on him? I just need to see with my own eyes that you’re both okay.”
“Sure.” I gesture to the bedroom door and watch as he strides over. I shuffle behind him, trying not to move too suddenly. I get to the doorway as Jack approaches the bed, towards Tom, who still seems to be dead to the world.
Seriously, how is he missing this? Maybe I’m dreaming.That would explain a lot. That’s it. It must be an alcohol-induced dream because I’ve been pining for Jack, and I really wanted to share my news with him, but the stupid call got cut off.
Jack crouches beside the bed and places a hand on Tom’s forehead. Tom gives a sigh in his sleep and it makes my heart swell with love. He’s been missing Jack hard. We’ve tried our best to keep each other going, but it’s been tough. Like a vital part of us was missing.
Jack brings his lips to Tom’s, who gives a low moan, deep in the back of his throat and one of his hands comes up to Jack’s face. His confusion is apparent when he pieces together that it’s not me kissing him. He pushes Jack away and then springs up, faster than I’ve ever seen him move when waking up. He’s up on his feet, looking down at Jack in astonishment.
“What the fuck?” he asks in his gravelly deep morning voice.
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help kissing you,” Jack says. He hasn’t moved, still crouched beside the bed. My heart tightens as I watch the two men. Tom’s chest expands as he takes in a deep breath. His eyes haven't left Jack since they opened.
“What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in New York.”
Jack closes his eyes. His hand comes up to grip the back of his neck.
“I panicked,” he tells us both, looking first at me, then up to Tom. “I could barely hear Cass on the phone. Neither of you were answering calls or texts for hours. I even tried calling the bar, but there was no answer. I had to do something. When I still hadn’t heard anything by the time I finished work, I headed to the airport. I bought a ticket, took the overnight flight, and here I am.”
My mouth is agape. This man flew across the Atlantic to check we were okay.
“We’re fine, Jack, just hungover. I’m so sorry we didn’t respond to your calls and messages. To be perfectly honest, I don’t even know where my phone is right now,” I say to him. Tom grimaces.
“Mac, do you not remember? When your call with Jack got cut off, you put it down on the bar a little too forcibly and the screen cracked.”
“Shit. I do remember. Where did I put it?”
“I think it must be in your bag. We couldn’t get it to turn back on. You said you’d worry about it today.”
“What about you?” Jack says to Tom. He pushes himself up. “Why didn’t you answer?” It doesn’t sound accusing in any way, but there’s something there in his voice. He sounds pained.
“Work was slammed all night. Between that and Cassidy’s celebrations, I didn’t even glance at it. And then after closing, we had a lock in…” he tells Jack.
“You’re hungover?” Jack asks him with a frown. “You don’t normally drink that much.”
“I know. The girls were very persuasive. We were celebrating, after all.” He sends a grin my way. I bounce on my feet and groan when I instantly regret the enthusiastic move.
“Jack, my book…” I grin, realising he doesn’t know my news. “That’s why I was calling. The advanced reader reviews have been amazing. My friend Mel—she’s an events organiser—put me in touch with an exclusive sex club in the city. They’re having a massive party with goody bags and they want to pre-order hundreds of copies of my book.”
“Oh wow, Cass. That’s amazing. I’m so pleased for you.” Jack beams. He pulls me in for another hug and I go willingly. Tom is no slouch with cuddles at all, but I’ve missed Jack and his unique brand of hugging so much.
“Guys, I feel stupid,” Jack says into my hair as he hugs me tight. “I’m such a drama queen. I was convinced you were both in trouble.”
“Yeah, Jack, it was quite an extreme reaction to not hearing from us for a few hours,” Tom says. Jack draws back from the hug, his expression resigned.
“I’m glad you’re here though. I mean, I’m sorry for the circumstances, but I’ve missed you so damn much.”
“I’ve missed you too.” He looks deep into my eyes. “And you.” He turns to Tom next.
“How long are you here for?” I ask.
He shakes his head with a sigh. “I need to be back on Monday. I was in such a panic I didn’t even look at return flights. I guess I should get something booked ASAP.”
I can’t hold back the disappointment that floods my veins. At best, we have the rest of the day with him, but probably not much beyond that. After the shock of him being here, it feels too much for my broken, hungover self, and I collapse onto the bed.
“You okay, Cassidy?” Tom asks, his hand cupping my cheek as he ducks lower to check on me.