Page 71 of The Best Number
He chuckles. “Mac, if anyone is lucky in this situation, it’s me. You look stunning.”
“You charmer. You know you’re already guaranteed to get some tonight, right?”
“I do indeed.” His eyes sparkle with erotic promise. “What are the chances of me getting some before we walk out the door?”
“I think we should wait,” I tell him, watching in the mirror for his reaction. “Until it’s all three of us”.
He nods. “Okay, baby girl, let’s get ready and head out then before I try to ravish you.”
We’re dressed to the nines.
Tom looks smart in his grey slacks, loafers, and a pale blue button up shirt under a dark grey woollen coat. He turns me in a spin and the tassels on the hem of my silver dress tickle my legs, making me laugh.
“Beautiful,” Tom says as he slows me to a stop, reaching forward to press our lips together. “Jack’s gonna love it—you look like a disco ball.”
“Shame I have to cover it up, right?” I grab the ‘pièce de résistance’—my dark grey mackintosh jacket and put it on, wrapping the belt around my waist.
“Is that what I think it is?” He stares at the coat intently.
I nod, a cheeky smile on my face. “Yep, the original. Back from when I first met you. I knew I needed a coat and I couldn’t resist bringing this one.”
“Shit, Mac. if I hadn’t seen that sparkly dress with my own eyes, I’d be convinced you were naked under that.”
“That’s the idea, baby.” I give him a gleeful grin. “Let’s see if we can convince Jack I’m naked underneath.”
Tom shakes his head ruefully at my devious plan. “Shameless,” he whispers in my ear and I very much appreciate his low husky groan as I cup him through his trousers.
We head out of the hotel, walking ten minutes to meet Jack and his colleagues. The bar is packed with bodies; office workers trying to wind down after their working week. We press ourselves through the throng, Tom keeping a steady handon mine as he tugs me through the crowd towards the bar. I try to catch sight of Jack but it’s so hard with all the people everywhere.
Tom makes it to the bar, pulling me in front of him, in the circle of his arms. We wait patiently for the very busy bar staff to make their way over to us and I order a cocktail for me and a beer for Tom. He texted Jack when we arrived and it finally dings with a response.
Jack: Look up *up arrow emoji*
I frown before looking up to find Jack standing at the top of the stairs. The light slants over his cheekbones and jawline.Someone really needs to carve him in marble.We squeeze our way through the crowd towards him. It’s easier as we are headed away from the bar this time. Tom places a hand low across my back as we walk up the stairs side by side. I concentrate on each step to keep my balance in my high-heeled shoes. We reach the top and he’s right there in front of us. He opens his arms out wide, gathering us both in a hug. I giggle as he kisses first my cheek and then Tom’s.
“Hey, you found it okay?” I nod. “I should have said, there’s a bar up here in the private room, save you fighting for a place down there.”
“Ah well, we’ve got drinks now.” Tom raises his bottle of beer to his lips, taking a gulp.
“Ready to meet everyone?” Jack asks.
My nerves build. Jack told us when we arrived that he’s been open with his colleagues about us and why he’s returning to the UK. I’m intrigued to see how everyone reacts when they meet us. Being told something is one thing, but seeing three people in a relationship is another. And while I have every confidence that this relationship is just right for us, I know that it’s still considered unusual to most people.
I’m not convinced I’m ready, but we have to start doing this. I take a deep breath in, giving Jack a small smile and a nod. I’m keen to meet the colleagues who have kept Jack busy over the last three months. And put faces to the names from the stories that Jack has been sharing with us.
“You want me to take your coats? There’s some hooks by the door where I can hang them.” Tom removes his coat and hands it to Jack and they both turn to me, looking expectant. I hold my belt in my hands and bite down on my bottom lip. Jack tilts his head as he looks at me.
“You’re up to mischief,” he tells me with a suspicious frown.
“How well do you want your colleagues to know me, Jack?” I say with a grin. “Should I bare all?” I go to loosen the belt on my coat and his hand reaches out to still me.
“Are you wearing anything under that, doll?”
“Why don’t we find out?”
He doesn’t stop me from undoing the belt this time. I take my time, doing my best to make it look like an exotic strip. I think I’m failing though, if the snorting laugh from Tom’s direction is anything to go by. I shimmy the coat so that it sits off one shoulder and Jack clocks the thin silver strap on my shoulder.
“You better be wearing clothes under there, Cass, and not just lingerie,” Jack growls. It’s hilarious because he usually likes me in lingerie, but I guess he doesn’t necessarily want to introduce me to his work colleagues in my undies.