Page 11 of Just a Number
Chapter five
I’m heading to a session at the pottery studio when I get a text.
Wanna kick my arse at racing again?
Tonight? At mine?
My pulse kicks up when I think of going back to Zack’s place and maybe bumping into Mel. More than once in the last week, it has been her on my mind, when my hand was gripped around my hard cock, pumping it to completion. The way she’d laid sprawled out on her bed, watching television. I’d pictured that many different ways—with my head between her thighs, her dress pushed up, tasting her cunt. Both of us naked, me on top, easing my cock into her hot pussy.
I’m waiting to hear if the bar need me. Can I let you know?
It’s a school night. Surely they won’t be that busy?
Probably not. What time you thinking?
That should work. If I’ve not heard from them by then, I should be clear. I’ll text if I’m on my way.
Sweet. Catch ya later.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to get away from the house. I try not to be home all that often. My stepdad, Doug, is a pain in the arse. He’s wanted me gone since he got together with my mum when I was in primary school. Years later, and he can’t shut up about his plans to convert my room into a man cave when I leave.Twat.
It’s not like I don’t want to leave, but I need to save up enough money and that’s hard when a lot of my time is tied up with the pottery apprenticeship. Not for the first time, I wonder about quitting it to get a full-time job so I can get out sooner, but nothing else interests me and I don’t want to be stuck in a job I hate, wishing I’d done this when I had the chance.
At least the pottery work is during the day and there’s plenty of casual work available in the evenings and weekends. I’m really hoping the casual position at the bar becomes more permanent with regular hours. They’re a good crowd and the boss is a decent guy. He even said that one of the regular staff members might be leaving soon and that’s why Tom took me on—to get me trained up and ready to take over.
And it’s not like I need a castle to live in, just a room in a flatshare would be fine. I really need to take the leap and start looking. I’ve got some savings from my grandparents. I used some to buy my bike and I’m trying to decide if I should use the rest to buy a kiln after my apprenticeship finishes.
I could ask my sister if she knows anyone looking for a lodger or roommate. As a tattoo artist, Laura knows bloody everyone.
I shoot her a quick text:
Hey, loser. Know of anyone looking for a flatmate?