Page 42 of Just a Number
Chapter seventeen
I’m trying my hardest to avoid Alex at all costs. I’ve been working more at the office and even reaching out to people I’ve been meaning to catch up with for ages to make plenty of appointments outside of the house. I’m worried that if I’m home too often and he’s there that I’ll be drawn up those stairs to knock on his door and see how he’s doing.
He’s been here nearly two weeks though and as far as I know, has only been in the house a couple of times when Zack has invited him over and I’ve made myself scarce. He must surely need to do some laundry by now. Does he even know how to do it? Perhaps his mum used to do it for him? If I take ten minutes to show him how it all works and agree a day he can do it, I can then leave him to it. I can also check if there’s anything else he needs at the same time.
I shoot him a text:
Hey, it’s Mel. If you’re around today, I can show you how to use the washing machine and dryer if you want. Surely you must need some clean clothes by now?
It’s not too long before my phone beeps with his reply:
That would be good, thanks. I can be over in half an hour if that works for you.
Sure, see you then. *smiley face emoji*
I make myself a cup of herbal tea and tidy up some paperwork that’s been accumulating on the kitchen counter while I wait for him. I’ve got a quiet day at work, meeting-wise, and I’m taking some time out as it’s about to get manic with the end of the year rush of events we have on.
It doesn’t seem like much time has passed before I hear a knock at the back door. I head over and can see his silhouette through the frosted glass. I open up, being sure to paste a polite smile on my face.
“Come in.” I stand back, and he carries in a big reusable shopping bag full to the brim with clothes. I can’t hold in my laugh. “You were waiting for an invitation, I take it?”
“Err, still getting the hang of it all, to be honest. Good thing you texted because I’m currently wearing my last clean pair of boxers.” He gives a rueful grimace.
“Come through, I’ll show you how it all works.” He follows me through to the tiny laundry room off to the side of the kitchen. I hadn’t thought this through. It’s very close quarters in here.
I open the door for the washing machine, which is stacked underneath the dryer.
“It should all fit in here. Chuck it in.” I take a step to the side, but he still has to brush close to me to load it. “There’s laundry detergent here… just use this. No need to have your own.”
“Thanks. I hadn’t even thought to get some.” I pass him the bottle and our fingers brush as he takes it from me. He draws in what sounds like a shaky breath. “How much do I use?”
“Fill up the cap and then chuck the whole thing in the machine.” I watch as he does as instructed. “Then this is probably the best setting for everyday washing. If you have any more dirty stuff from the pottery, I’d use this one.” I point at a different setting.
“Thanks. I rinse it out at the studio so most of the clay dust and silt is gone.”
“It should take about an hour. You’ll need to check your labels to see if it can go in the dryer. That’s really simple… just flick this dial round to the time you want. Usually an hour does it. But be sure to set a timer, so you remember to come and get it. It’ll smell of damp if you leave it in there.”
“Okay, thanks.” He gives me a nod and pulls his phone out of his back pocket, setting a timer for an hours’ time. “Is it okay if I come back to switch it over?”
“Yeah, no worries. How’s everything else over there? Do you have everything you need?”
“It’s great, thanks. I’m sleeping like a hibernating bear. The sofa bed is surprisingly comfortable.”
“Excellent, and the wifi is all good?”
“Yeah, no problems.” A pause and he looks at me as if trying to decide what to say next. “Abby suggested I do something to say thank you, like washing your car.”
The blush floods my cheeks.Dammit, Abby, I mentioned that in confidence.He has a knowing look in his eyes and I’m sure my blush isn’t helping.
“Did she?” I frown.