Page 46 of Just a Number
We are two bottles of wine down and there’s a huge pile of books in between us where we are sprawled on the softly carpeted floor in front of my precious bookshelves. Cassidy and I have been giving Abby the rundown on tropes and trying to get an idea of her kinks and what she likes to help us make book suggestions.
“If only there was a quiz I could do to tell me what I’m into,” Abby says with a sigh.
Cassidy sits up fast from her reclined position. Her wine sloshes up the sides of her glass, nearly spilling on the carpet in her excitement. “Oh, but there is.”
She grabs up her phone and opens a web browser, seconds later pulling up a kink quiz. “I’m sending this to both of you. You should totally do this, and then we can compare answers.”
I’m intrigued for sure. “Have you done it?” I ask her.
“Ah, yep, and Tom and Jack have too. It’s fascinating. Really helped me understand the dynamics of our relationship andwhere I can push the boundaries in the bedroom.” She waggles her brows. “Please say you’ll do it?”
My phone buzzes with her message with the link. “What have I got to lose?” I say, looking across to Abby, who’s already opened it and started answering.
The questions are somewhat confronting and make me realise how vanilla my sex life has been in the past. I’m grateful for my recent experiences with Alex to help me answer them.
“How do I know if I like this stuff if I haven’t tried it?” I ask.
“Perhaps think about if you’d want to try, and answer based on that. You could always try a few things, then retake the quiz,” Cassidy suggests.
Who would I try this stuff with?Alex’s face comes to mind and his eagerness to please. God, we could have some fun working our way through this list. I’d love to see his answers if he took the quiz.
I answer each question and hit submit at the end. A moment later, my results pop up. I look down the list, eyebrows raising at the answers.
“What’s your top one?” Cassidy asks excitedly. “I have mine saved. We can compare.”
“I’m really high on switch and pretty high on vanilla. Vanilla I get.” I blow out a sigh. “But what the hell does switch even mean?”
“Oooh, a switch… my switch is high too. It means you enjoy switching between being dominant and submissive. Tom, of course, is wholly dominant.” Cassidy has a gleam in her eye. “Oh yeah, and Jack’s brattiness is obviously high.”
“Huh,” I say, my mouth open.
“What?” Cassidy quizzes.
“The first time with Alex, I found myself taking charge. Not completely. But I enjoyed it,” I admit, trying not to think back to that night.
“You should definitely try it some more then. It makes me feel so powerful. I love it.” She winks at me before saying, “What about you, Abbs?”
Abby looks up from the screen with a serious look in her eyes. “I’m high on non-monogamy and exhibitionism.”
“Ooh, you should totally try an orgy in front of a crowd,” Cassidy suggests like it’s nothing.
“Whose to say I haven’t?” Abby raises her eyebrows.
Cassidy giggles delightedly. “Well, if you do it again, can I come watch? Purely for book research, of course.”
“Of course.” Abby gives her a knowing nod.
“So what are you going to try to see if you like it?” Cassidy asks me.
“Ummm,” my blush glows on my cheeks, “I’m not sure.” The thought of taking part in an orgy gives me pause for thought. It’s not something I’ve considered before and yet my pulse speeds up. I don’t know what to make of it. I also am surprisingly interested in the idea of watching one. “Maybe some voyeurism,” I tell the girls, expecting a joke or two back. But there are none.
“An excellent place to start,” Abby declares with a friendly smile on her face.
And, as the conversation turns back to books, I can’t help but wonder what Alex’s answers to this quiz would be.
All the talk of sex with the girls has got me decidedly horny. I’ve always enjoyed sex, even though my sex life has been fairly vanilla up until recently. When Alex got on his knees for me in the study, I started thinking about how good it would feel to be in charge. To order someone around. I hadn’t felt confident enough that night with Alex to really push the dominance, but after the quiz results earlier, maybe I should try it.