Page 70 of Just a Number
“One of my other mates had a friend who died in a car accident the other day. It made me think. He was only a few years older than me, probably the same age as you. Life’s too short to be pissed off with everyone. I spoke with Mum about it too.”
“Fuck, that’s awful. I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t really know him, but my mate is really cut up about it.”
“I bet. I’m sorry I can’t come tonight. But maybe we can get together on my next night off?” I offer, hopefully.
“Sounds good. When’s that?”
I reach a hand up to grip the back of my neck. “I’m waiting for them to confirm next week’s shifts, but probably Tuesday or Wednesday.”
“Okay, text me when you know.”
“Will do.”
It’s a busy night in the pub. Even Cassidy’s in and sitting up at the bar, throwing Tom smiles and winks every few minutes. I spot her and Abby chatting a couple of times and looking over at me, but they’ve both been suspiciously quiet since they accosted me in the cellar. They’ve been friendly, but there’s been no mention of Mel whatsoever.
I think she must have given them a hard word not to approach me or talk about her because, quite frankly, it’s disturbing how un-nosy they’re being about the whole thing. When I catch them chatting and looking my way for a third time, during a little lull in the bar orders, I head over.
“Anything I can help you ladies with?” I ask with a raised brow.
“All good, thanks Alex,” Abby responds softly.Is that pity I can see in her eyes?
“Actually,” Cassidy starts and Abby throws a furious stare her way, “Abby’s scared of overstepping as your colleague, but I don’t know why I’m keeping my mouth shut.”
“Maybe because we both promised Mel?” Abby points out.
“Well, she isn’t here to stop me, is she? Even though she was invited.” Cassidy raises her brows at Abby, as if waiting for her next argument. Abby gives a shrug, which Cassidy seems to take as approval to continue. “What happened, Alex? Did you do what we suggested?”
I look around to check no-one is listening. “Yeah, I did. But she got scared, and told me she didn’t want me. We hooked up one last time and she said goodbye.”
“Dammit, Mel,” Cassidy curses even though she’s not here to hear it. “Why can’t she just accept she deserves nice things?” She gestures a hand up and down in front of me. “Have you tried again?”
“Hey, anyone serving here?” a guy calls out, having just this second approached the bar.
“Coming,” I shout down to him.
I don’t speak to Cassidy and Abby anymore because it’s manic with another rush of customers. Cassidy stays once the pub is closed but her and Tom disappear out the back, while the rest of us all work together on clean-up. Abby brings me my share of the tip jar in an envelope, clapping me on the shoulder.
“You doing okay?”
I nod. “Yeah, still looking for somewhere else to live, though. I don’t think it’s the best idea to hang around where I’m not wanted.”
“Oh, babe, she might come round.”
I shake my head. “She won’t. She’s stubborn.”
“Well, I wouldn’t rush to move out. As much as I’ve been forbidden to speak to you about it, she hasn’t mentioned that she wants you gone. We were hoping she’d come in tonight. We dared her to prove that she was over you.”
I take in what Abby has just said, trying to work out what it means. “Maybe she just wasn’t up for a night out?” I suggest.
“Yeah, could be that, I know she’s been busy with work lately.”
“Is there anything else you need from me or can I head off?”
“All done. You’re a free man.”
“Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I’ve got an afternoon and early evening shift as there’s a big football game on and we’re expecting a crowd.