Page 80 of Just a Number
This is my new beginning. I’m going to resign from my job and put my all into building my own business, doing the work thatI love. And maybe, sometime in the future, I’ll be able to think about another relationship. But not yet. I still miss Alex.
Chapter thirty-three
“Oh no, I insist on walking a lady to her door.”
“There’s really no need.” I try to offer a smile of reassurance, but my jaw hurts from all the fake smiling I’ve been doing for the last couple of hours. An ex-colleague talked me into this blind date and I’ve not decided how I’m going to get my revenge when I see her next.
I’m sure Laurence is a wonderful guy, but he’s clearly a big fan of the sound of his own voice and hasn’t shut up all night. He looks attractive—tall and blonde. And he’s wearing a good suit. But I’ve barely got a word in edgeways and I’ve never been more glad to see my road as he turns down it to drop me home.
He drives a sporty little car and I’m already wondering how the hell I’m going to get myself out of the low bucket seat. But if need be, I’ll crawl. I just need to get inside and take some painkillers from the pounding headache that’s been abusing my right temple for the last hour. And then take myself to bed.
And no checking Instagram. I’ve had to ban myself from late-night scrolling. Well, it’s hardly scrolling, just watching Alex’s content over and over again and getting myself all worked up and then not being able to sleep.Urgh!
“You can just drop me anywhere here, thanks Laurence,” I say. He slows to park up at the kerb. “I had a lovely evening. Thanks again for dinner and the drive home.” I’m reluctant to look his way in case he starts another one-sided conversation, but it would be rude not to. I chance a peek, and he’s watching me with a smirk on his face.
“I mean it, Mel. I’m walking you to the door.”
“Okay,” I say. Anything to get me in the house with the door firmly shut behind me. I just want to be on my own now.
He gets out and walks round to open the door. I have to admit some gratitude at the hand he reaches out to help me out of the low-slung car.
He doesn’t drop my hand and instead laces our fingers together as we make our way to my front door. This is weird. We only met a couple of hours ago. Why the hell is he holding my hand?
“So, are you going to invite me in?” My mouth drops open at the forwardness of his question.Shit!
“Err, I’ve actually got an early start tomorrow, so I’ll need to take a rain check this time,” I tell him. I hold in that annoying need of mine to please, refusing to offer seeing him again.
“That’s a shame. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you tonight. I’d love to know you better.” Panic rises from my belly as he leans in. I have absolutely no desire to kiss this man. I pull back, trying to work out how to get out of this politely. I place a hand on his chest, trying to hold him off, but it just makes things worse when he covers my hand with his. “You sure I can’t come in?” His eyebrow raises.
“No, I really can’t…” It’s like I’m trapped. I need to get out of this.
“Okay then, goodbye,” comes the masculine drawl from nearby. My gaze shoots in that direction and my knees weaken at the sight of Alex–propped up against his bike.How the fuck did I not spot him?
Laurence must look in the same direction. There’s a much less friendly tone as he asks, “And who are you?” He also turns around and steps, so I’m behind him. I gaze over his shoulder, drinking in the sight of Alex in his leathers. He stands up straight from his leaning pose and begins stalking towards us.
“I’m a friend of Mel’s,” he declares. “You alright, Mel?”
“Alex.” It’s all I can manage. I’m startled. I’ve only seen him through a screen for the last six months and now he’s here. I step clear of Laurence to move closer and we meet somewhere in the middle.I want to hug him.But I don’t know why he’s here. “Hey.”
“It’s good to see you, Mel. I’ve missed you.” I want to close my eyes and savour the timbre of his voice, but my eyes refuse to give up the glorious sight of him standing in front of me.
“We were in the middle of something here.” Laurence’s voice comes from behind me.
“I’m sorry, Laurence.” I turn to look back at him over my shoulder. “We’ve not seen each other in a while. I’ll need to call it quits for tonight.” Again, I hold back that good-girl urge to soothe and offer a second date.
“I thought you had to be up early?” he asks, annoyance tinging his voice.
“We’re very dear friends. We’ve lots to catch up on,” Alex tells him with a saccharine smile I’ve never seen before.
“I’m sorry, Laurence, maybe another time.” It’s the closest I’ll come to offering to meet him again, but I need him gone, dammit, so I can work out why Alex is here.
“Okay, well, if you’re sure?” He steps as if to come closer to me and as he does, Alex wraps an arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer to lay a kiss on my temple. Just that one small touch soothes my pounding head.
“Thank you for the lift home, Laurence,” I say politely. I don’t move away from Alex, hoping that it will be enough to send Laurence away.
Luckily, it works, and he strides back towards his car without saying another word. I stay still, watching as he gets in, slamming the door behind him. The engine fires up and he revs the car loudly before he pulls away.