Page 3 of Marked By the Sea
“Put her down,” my mother’s cold voice demanded. I clawed at my father as he attempted to lower me.
“No, no, no,” I pleaded.
“We’re already on the boat,” my mother sighed, as if I were inconveniencing her.
“Put your two feet on the ground and know that you aren’t in the water,” my father said encouragingly. He lowered me and put my hand on the wall. I kept my eyes shut as I repeated his words like a mantra.
Not in the water.
Not in the water.
Not in the water.
Not in the water.
Not in the water.
And then we were moving.
Chapter 3
When the sun set on my fun, I would have no other choice than to take the daughter of the North Seas as my mate; officially uniting the two kingdoms. Damn Lucien for setting this up. I would give her my knot and breed her until she created the offspring that would one day rule in our place. The tentative treaty that kept the two kingdoms from war was finicky at best. Just one misstep, and there would be blood. I couldn’t be the reason for our downfall, or my temperamental godfather would declare me unfit and hand my birthright to my cousin. So until I was forced to hand my balls over, I had lurked beneath the waves and seized my rewards.
As of recent, that was. Lately, nothing had caught my eye. My tastes ran warmer and on two legs. My spoils came from the surface. Years ago, I came across a human woman. My internal hate screamed I tear her apart, but when she smiled at me, I held back. Not for interest, but curiosity. She’d told me my horns were ‘radical’ and she loved my costume. It wasn’t until she joined me in the waters that she began to scream. I covered her mouth and stuffed her cunt.
The first time was an accident. All the ones that followed were not.
The waters rippled as if they heard my thoughts or the traitorous direction they were going. My godfather was actingking for seven more days unless I didn’t do my duty. All the creatures in the sea bowed to him. My fin cut through the waters as I failed to keep a lid on my irritation. I didn’t see why he could decide my fate, my queen, and that of the kingdom. If not for his failure as my father’s right hand, he wouldn’t even be king. I would abide by the laws only to honor my parents.
If he hadn’t followed me, he wouldn’t have discovered my darkest secrets. I had the sneaking suspicion this alliance idea was born from him finding my last prey. It forced me to lie low for a while, but now that the sands of time were in play, adrenaline pumped through my veins at knowing she was near. Knowing what came as soon as I had her in my clutches was enough to keep me searching. The thrill had my knot tingling.
As soon as I found her, I could drag her to the hideout. The previous one didn’t last long. I’d been forced to end her when Lucien found out. No, I needed someone who could take us. I wanted a gem. A jewel I could keep for myself. One I could keep longer than the others. She would please me and my brothers. She needed to be perfect to hold us together. She had to last.
The guys had failed, and I refused to sit back and let them waste more time. The women they’d picked before had been too loud and made the most awful sound. They failed to satisfy me and were of no use. I craved her fight. I needed excitement. What was fun about a woman wailing and begging for dear life? No thanks. My horns poked through the surface, followed by my head. My powerful fin slashed as water dripped down the side of my face. My gaze cut through the scattered humans on the beach to the large figures just out of their view. The sun was setting—the perfect time to snatch someone. If I could just find her, we could all go home.
I scoffed when my gaze locked on the sly sea sprite, Rowan, deep-throating Hexon against a jumping rock. His tentacles pushed Rowan up and down his slippery length. I was surprisedthe humans hadn’t caught on to them, as obvious as those two were. Unlike me, my chosen pack could not camouflage as well as I could. Being the Prince of the South Sea had nothing to do with my skills. I was able to change my skin into liquid form, so when I wished it, I could avoid the eyes of not only humans but other creatures of the deep.
Movement yanked me from my thoughts as I watched Hexon hold Rowan’s blue hair down, forcing him to take more. The normally silver scales on his shoulders were an ominous blue. I’d known him long enough to know that meant he was turned on. Hexon’s nether tentacles wrapped around the sea sprite’s slender face before lifting and suctioning his cheek. Two others slid down his jaw, secreting slime, before slipping into his mouth. I watched as the tingling between my thighs caused my tip to jut out of its cock pocket. That was when I heard the kraken’s voice in my head.
Like what you see?
Come and join us, Rift.
Unlike you two, I was trying to find her.
We’re taking a break.
I could see that.
You’re no fun.
Hex… We’ll have fun when we get back with our new toy in hand.
Rowan’s lips were too tempting to resist… fuck.