Page 30 of His
Alonzo had worked in a Michelin star restaurant before coming to work for me. He was happier now that I was his boss though. I paid him far better and the work was far easier for him, plus it gave him more time with his family.
I liked to keep my people happy. They were more loyal that way and that was simply good business.
My whole world was multifaceted, rooted deeply in the traditions of the Italian mafia, but also modernized to fit the times. I controlled a significant portion of Florence’s nightlife—clubs, bars, and high-end casinos. Protection rackets, money laundering, and arms dealing were some of the things my business dabbled in, but I also had legitimate fronts—real estate ventures, luxury car dealerships, and a chain of upscale restaurants. It was a delicate balance, maintaining the old ways while adapting to new opportunities.
My influence was far-reaching. I had the loyalty of many local businesses, ensuring they prospered under our protection. The police, while not entirely under my control, knew better than to interfere with my operations unless they wanted trouble. Politicians and officials often found it beneficial to align with us, enjoying the security and support we provided.
My reach extended past Florence, stretching across Italy, making me one of the most powerful men in the country. My name commanded respect and fear, and my word was law in many circles.
It was alarming to know that someone was trying to make a move against me. That meant that they had to be powerful indeed. I’d need to tread carefully in my quest for information, especially considering Sofia and her father were somehow wrapped up in all of this.
The problem was that the charges against him were real.
Marco’s shop had been the perfect front. Tailoring was a cash-heavy business, and it was easy to blend legitimate earnings with my illicitly gained funds. He’d taken cash payments for high-end custom suits and dresses, some of which were never actually made. These phantom transactions allowed us to funnel dirty money through the business and make it appear clean on the other side. Each custom suit sold represented a hefty sum that could be explained away as a legitimate transaction.
But Marco had always been meticulous, ensuring that every penny was accounted for, and every transaction had a legitimate-looking paper trail. It was a system that had worked flawlessly for years. The fact that the authorities had enough to arrest him meant that someone had found a way to pierce through our defenses.
Someone powerful and determined and potentially verydangerous.
“Sofia,” I said, breaking the silence once more. “I need you to understand something. Your father’s arrest is part of a larger scheme to get to me.”
Her eyes widened, but she nodded slowly, absorbing my words.
“What do we do?” she asked softly.
“I have to find out who is behind this and stop them before they can do more damage. But you need to stay here. If you fight me on this, the two of us are going to go upstairs and then we’re going to have a very long discussion with my belt. Do you understand me,little girl?”
“I understand, Massimo,” she blushed, fidgeting in her seat. I guessed her ass was still a little sore from the spanking I gave her yesterday and she probably didn’t want a repeat performance so soon. My palm twitched though. A part of me wanted to take her upstairs anyway and show her what would happen should she think to defy me, but she was being obedient. I wouldn’t punish her preemptively, even if I very much enjoyed putting her over my knee and spanking her bare bottom beet red.
I shifted in my seat, my cock as hard as iron.
I was sure there would be a next time. Sofia was just the kind of girl that needed a man to take her in hand from time to time and I would be that for her.
But I would be patient.
“There are people I want you to meet. Men who are part of my inner circle. They are the ones who will help us find out who is behind your father’s arrest and ensure your safety. We’ll start with Leo, my consigliere. Then, you’ll meet Stefano, my enforcer. He’s going to look after you while I’m away tending to business.”
“Okay, but could I ask you a few questions first and maybe go back upstairs to change into something more appropriate before I meet them?” she asked, her voice soft.
I almost growled at the thought of her putting on more clothes. I wanted her easily accessible, but I didn’t take kindly to the thought of other men seeing her like I did.
“Your things should arrive shortly, and you may dress as you like, but you’re not allowed to wear any panties,” I instructed. I didn’t tell her what would happen if she disobeyed me. Instead, I just leveled her with a look that was more than enough to make her squirm.
“But I—” she protested, and I pressed my hand to her bare thigh, squeezing it hard enough to make her whimper just a little bit.
“Be a good girl for me and I’ll reward you before bed tonight. Be a bad girl, and well, then I’m going to have to punish you,” I warned her, and her cheeks turned scarlet as she glanced between me and Alonzo.
“Massimo,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with embarrassment. She didn’t know it, but I would never bare her in front of my men. Sure, they might hear her scream for me, both in my bed and over my knee, but they wouldneversee her naked.
Her beautiful body belonged to me. For the time being anyway.
“Come here,” I dictated, and she looked at me warily before she swallowed hard and stood up. She took a step toward me, and I swept her up in my lap, curling my arms around her. She was stiff at first, but then she relaxed in my embrace. “Now, ask me your questions,la mia bambina, and I will tell you what you want to know.”
“I want to know more about my father’s involvement,” she asked after a long moment.
I took a deep breath, knowing this conversation was inevitable.
“Your father and I go way back, Sofia. We’ve been through a lot together. When I needed someone trustworthy to help with certain aspects of my business, I turned to him,” I explained.