Page 19 of Sin Bin Bully
“She would prefer to meet you down here in one of the private meeting rooms. She just walked into room two.”
I sigh. “Great, thanks.”
After hanging up the phone, I stride down the hall and to the elevator. The fact that she knew I was here is already a bad sign, and I don’t have the time or patience for this right now.
When I reach the lobby, I head towards the room, where I can already see her pacing around through the glass wall. She looks visibly angry with her arms crossed as she walks back and forth.
“What are you doing here?” I ask as I enter, closing the door behind me. “And do you not know how to call people?”
She whips around, training her gaze on me. “Don’t, Sam. Just don’t. When a mother receives the phone call I received this morning, she has the right to show up unannounced.”
“And what phone call is that?”
She narrows her eyes. “I don’t know what you think you’re doing with that girl up there, but it needs to stop now. What are you thinking, doing this in your grandfather’s hotel? And right after you just had a game and threw a huge party here? There’s paparazzi everywhere.”
I flex one of my hands, stopping it from balling up into a fist. The staff here were supposed to keep this silent. I specifically told them that.
“Who called you?”
She shakes her head. “I’m not telling you. It doesn’t matter. I don’t know what it is you’re doing, but it can’t be done here.”
“Sam, I’m not telling you. The poor man was just doing his job like I told him to.”
“His job? His job doesn’t involve calling you.”
“It does if I say it does. But this is not the point. I didn’t come here to argue about this. I came because this is a serious situation. The girl? What’s going on?”
“I’ll take care of it.”
She sighs. “Look, whatever this obsession is, you need to get over it quickly. You have too many eyes on you. This family is watched like a hawk by everyone.”
“I said I’ll take care of it. What I do when I leave here doesn’t concern you.”
She scoffs, shooting me a look. “Your actions do affect this family, Sam. Not to mention your own career.”
With one final glance, she turns around and opens the door, walking out of the meeting room. I wait until I see her leavethrough the front of the lobby before exiting and heading back upstairs.
I’m impatient for the entirety of the elevator ride. I haven’t checked the cameras to see if she ate the food yet, but at this point, I don’t even care if she did. Either way, she’s coming with me.
My mother’s visit was pointless, seeing as the plan to get Kim from here to my house is already set in motion. But my annoyance that my mother is watching me refuses to go away.
I’ll have to do some digging to find out who her contact here is. Though, that will have to wait until much later.
I stalk down the hall as soon as the elevator door slides open. The penthouse floor is dead silent, not a single soul up here besides me and Kim.
When I reach the room, I stand outside the door, debating how I want to do this. If she hasn’t eaten the food, then this will prove to be much more difficult.
A smile spreads across my face. Maybe difficult is better. Maybe I want that.
I unlock the door with my thumb on the keypad before swinging it open. Kim lies in the bed, one hand hanging over the side of it, and one cheek smushed into the pillow.
As my eyes sweep down her body, I feel a deep satisfaction at the sight of her. She’s finally mine. All the waiting, all the planning, it’s finally come to this.
Pulling out my phone, I shoot a text to one of the valet guys, telling him to bring my car around to the service entrance. Once he replies, I scoop Kim into my arms and carry her out of the room and through the penthouse until we reach the service elevator. This one is closed off to the rest of the building, only staff can access it.
My anticipation builds with each second that it takes us down, and the ding as the door opens is music to my ears. I stepout and turn to the left, towards the service entrance that leads to a separate parking lot for the staff.