Page 18 of Wings of Death
I leave my hair loose, my thick waves hanging down my back, and fasten the clasp of my mother’s locket around my neck. It feels good wearing it, like I’m closer to her somehow. Similar to the feeling that her daggers give me. Warmth. I glance in themirror and am sure I can see the locket glowing, but when I look down, it isn’t. Strange.
When I head out into the corridor to make my way outside, there’s no one around, and the darkness allows for a beautiful night sky. The stars flicker like a thousand fireflies tonight, and I can’t help but wonder if my mother is up there, watching over me. I release my wings and lift up into the sky, flying the short distance to Demetros’s manor.
Loud music fills the air as I descend, and dozens of angels hang around outside in groups on the lawn in front of the main entrance. I don’t see Lacinda or Demetros, so I head inside. The music gets louder as I wind my way through the corridors towards the main ballroom, where I spot Lacinda dancing with some other angels.
“Zarla!” she calls out, and rushes over to me. She wraps her arms around my neck, her fiery curls bouncing around her face, and I can immediately tell she’s had a few drinks already.
“Hey.” I laugh.
She takes my hands and tries to lead me to the dance floor, but I resist.
“Hang on. I need a drink first,” I explain and drop her hands, and then I head for the bar.
“Hurry up!” she calls out after me.
Demetros always goes all out for his parties. His parents are both on The Throne, so they are considered one of the high-class angel families in the Kingdom. We have been friends since we were little, and I always loved having him live so close.
I spot him near the bar, and his lips curl into a smile when he sees me approaching.
“You made it,” he calls out through the music.
I raise my brows. “I did. Can I please have a bubbly?” I ask the keeper, and she nods, pouring me one.
“This is new,” he says, reaching for my locket, but as soon as he touches it, he snatches his hand back. “Ouch!”
I frown. “What?”
He shakes his hand. “I don’t know. It felt like it shocked me or something.”
Strange. I gaze out to the dance floor, and Lacinda’s watching Demetros. When I turn back to him, he’s focused on her, too. He quickly looks away. Okay, something is definitely going on between the two of them. I spot Astelle heading my way, so I pocket that conversation for another time.
“Oh, here we go,” Demetros says in a hushed voice as she approaches.
Her eyes scan over me, as if disapproving of my outfit. “Zarla,” she says, her tone cold.
I take a much-needed sip of my drink. “Astelle.”
She orders herself a bubbly too.
“So, you’re officially a guardian now,” she states.
Demetros presses his lips together and sneaks away. The traitor.
I focus on Astelle. “I am. As are you.”
The keeper slides a bubbly across the bar to her, and she picks it up with her well-manicured hand and takes a sip.
“So I heard you’ve already been to Earth? Always trying to be the one on top, aren’t you?”
I choke on my bubbly. That was rich coming from her. “I was doing my job. My human needed me.”
I catch her eyeing someone from across the room and follow her gaze to Amaros. What’s he doing here? Checking up on me, maybe. When I turn back to her, she’s already moving through the crowds toward him. I watch him closely, and he gives her a genuine smile as she approaches him. He appears pleased to see her. But when she leans in close to whisper in his ear, he pulls away, leaving her alone.
I shake the interaction off and join Lacinda on the dance floor. Comfortable dancing now that I’ve had at least one drink. She wraps an arm around me, kissing me on the cheek.
“I’m so happy you came. Demetros said you weren’t going to.” She pouts.
I shake my head. “I never said that. What I said was that I would think about it. What’s the deal with you two, anyway?”