Page 21 of Wings of Death
“Zarla, that was insane. How— I mean, I’ve never seen anything like that before.”
I stand, stretching out a hand to help him up. He cautiously takes it, surprised when he feels no pain.
“I need to get back to my castle. I have to check on my father. Where’s Lacinda?”
He moves his arm around, checking if it is in fact healed. “She’s safe. She’s at my manor.”
I nod. “Thank you for saving me. I’m still getting used to my powers. If you hadn’t come?—”
He takes my hand. “Don’t. Don’t even say it. We were both lucky. And I’m happy for you that your powers have come.”
I give him a tight-lipped smile. “Thanks. I need to go. Please make sure Lacinda is okay?”
He hesitates for a moment before taking off into the night sky. He knows I can take care of myself, and right now, he is needed elsewhere. I close my eyes and tune into my bond with Kyle, sensing his calm mood. He is safe. I fear if the watcherstried to attack him before, perhaps this is a distraction to do it again.
Finlay, the Kingdom is being attacked by watchers. Kyle seems okay, but is everything all right down there?
I release my wings and head for my castle as I await Finlay’s response.
What? What is with these watchers? Everything is fine down here. You okay?
Yeah, I’m good. I’ve got to focus. I’ll check in again soon.
Be careful,he replies.
Within minutes, I land on the gravel outside the main entrance. It’s eerily silent as I slowly make my way inside. The scent of death fills my nose when I open the door, and I immediately spot two dead guards.
My stomach turns as I take in the scene. I squeeze my eyes closed for a moment and pray to the gods that my father is all right, then make my way through the corridor toward his quarters. I know Amaros instructed me to get back to my quarters, but there’s no way I’m going to do that. My father may need me.
Muffled voices cut through the air up ahead, and I move to hide around the corner.
“She’s got to be around here somewhere. Find her.” A powerful male’s voice echoes though the corridor.
The hairs rise on the back of my neck. Are they looking for me? My mind races as I try to think of a plan, a way out of this, but I come up empty-handed. I reach for my mother’s locket, imagining what she would have done in a situation such as this. Warmth surges through my body, and I know she is with me.
She would fight. She would stop at nothing to protect her family. And I will do the same.
I step out from behind the wall and come face-to-face with a group of watchers. There are six of them, all large males, asall watchers are, and the one in front, clearly the leader, eyes my locket. He whispers to the other watchers, and then three of them step around him and move toward me. They all unsheathe their swords, ready to fight.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat.You can do this. You’ve got this.
Got what?a voice asks back. Finlay.
Not now!I warn him.
The watchers move apart, clearly a plan to distract and confuse me, but I know what to do.
Shhh! I am about to get into a fight with a bunch of watchers. Now is not the time! I need to focus.
Gods above, Zarla! I’m coming.
I let out a frustrated grunt.Don’t you dare. Your job is to protect Kyle. I can handle it.
The watcher to my left makes a move, rushing at me, but I am prepared. I duck out of the way and kick him in the back, sending him flying headfirst into the stone wall. That’s one down. That wasn’t so hard.
Fine, but you better tune in and tell me you’re okay, or I’m coming.