Page 34 of Wings of Death
A branch snaps, and I turn to face the Zelon, its warm breath fogging in the chilly air with each gentle puff. It opens its mouth slightly, revealing its razor-sharp teeth. I gulp back the lump in my throat.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one, and I remember with startling clarity that the last time was when one tried to eat Lacinda. This one appears calm and just stares at me, assessing me. The strangest thing is that I feel calm too. Like somehow I know it won’t hurt me. Judging by the purple markings around its neck, this one is a male.
He lowers his head, his deep-purple, almost black skin glistening a little with each movement. His amethyst eyes scan my face as he eases closer, his enormous paws crunching the leaves beneath them. He stops a few feet away, his warm breath tickling my cheek, and lowers his front legs to the forest floor.
Instinct tells me it’s an invitation. Cautiously, I reach out and touch his head, stroking his smooth skin. I move my hand down his neck around the side of his face. Wow! It truly is a magnificent creature. The Zelon rubs his face against mine before lowering it toward the ground. He spreads his wings out, as if ready to take flight, and I somehow know what he’s inviting me to do.
“You want to take me for a ride, huh, boy?”
He purrs in response, and I laugh.
This is probably a terrible idea. I climb up onto his back, and he purrs in approval. I can’t help but laugh at the insanity of the situation. Here I am, sitting on top of a Zelon. He stands tall once more, and I pat his thick neck.
He moves through the forest, picking up his pace, and we are soon blasting through bushes and darting between trees at rapid speed as the wind whips by my face.
It’s incredible. He flaps his enormous wings and takes off up into the air. I slide my arms around his muscular neck as a wide grin spreads across my lips. We soar high above the forest, and it’s nothing short of magical. The sun is setting in the distance, casting beautiful orange and pink hues across the sky. I have never flown up here before. The academy teachers warned us to maintain a safe distance from the Dark Forest. And now I wish I hadn’t followed that advice.
A loud yelp sounds below, and I look down to where a group of Zelons are running through the forest. There must be at least a dozen of them, as well as some of their young. The Zelon I’m riding yelps back, and we continue to fly overhead. After a fewminutes, we glide back down to the forest floor, and I spot a clearing up ahead.
There’s a large river flowing through it, and I’m guessing it originates from the mountains in the distance. We land with a soft thud, and the Zelon leans down to allow me to climb off. He rubs his face against mine once more, then sits down amongst the flowers.
“Thank you for the ride,” I say, and he grunts. Definitely a male.
The clearing is large with some patches of grass, and there are flowers everywhere. I realise they are the same flowers as the ones in my guardian markings. Sharpae. I pick one and bring it to my nose, taking in its beautiful floral scent, and my fingers burn. I immediately drop it, remembering it’s poisonous, thankful for my healing abilities as the pain dissipates.
I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. Birds chirping, the flow of the river, the yelps of the Zelons in the distance. It’s magical.
The sound of twigs snapping catches my attention as two young Zelons race out into the clearing, followed by a larger one. Their mother, I soon realise. They barge into the male I’m with, their father by the looks of it, and he licks their faces. The female seems cautious at first until the male rubs his face with hers. She then wanders over to me and does the same.
“Hey, girl,” I say, stroking her face.
What incredible creatures they are. I don’t know why they aren’t being hostile or territorial toward me like I have witnessed in the past, but it’s a relief. The male Zelon is staring out across the river, and I cast my gaze out to where he’s looking.
“You see something out there?” I ask, and he grunts.
I can’t see anything other than more Sharpae and grass across the river, but it’s hard to tell from this distance. I release my wings and fly over the river to the clearing on the otherside. The male Zelon is still sitting, watching me, his young pups playing around his paws.
There’s not much to see over here, just more of the same. I circle the edge of the clearing, and then I see it. The air about thirty feet away looks strange, out of place. There’s something there, something somewhat invisible, but not quite. It’s like the surrounding air is distorted. I cautiously move closer, and it becomes a little clearer.
I take in a sharp breath. It’s a gateway. There’s an archway with subtle gold symbols glowing around it. The language of the gods. I carefully read the symbols, which translate to “The Gateway of the Gods.”
It’s some sort of portal. I’m still confused how I’m able to read the language of the gods, but I don’t have time to think about that right now.
The Zelons across the river grow unsettled, yelping as they move around, and it feels like a warning. I scan the clearing, which has somehow grown much darker. The trees surrounding the perimeter sway in the breeze, and autumn leaves dance around my feet before floating up into the air. Something feels off. The Zelons are standing on their hind legs, yelping out to me, and then they all abruptly turn and run off into the forest, leaving me alone.
There’s an obvious shift in the air as it grows cooler, and I know I need to leave. Now. But it’s too late. My ring is glowing red again, and my gut instinct is telling me that something’s wrong.
The gateway shifts as it becomes clearer, and then a group of watchers step through it into the clearing.
Ipull my daggers from my straps and back up slowly as the group of watchers enter the clearing. Each one is larger than the last, all wearing their black leathers and black hooded cloaks. The golden watcher symbols on their invisible wings glow in the dim lighting before their wings retract into their backs. There are eight of them, and the biggest one steps forward, a sadistic smirk curling the edges of his lips.
“Zarla Quinn, the King’s daughter. You shouldn’t be here. We were told you would be down on Earth.” He lowers his hood, revealing short, shaven hair. A scar snakes up his neck to the base of his right ear, and his eyes are impossibly blue. He is very handsome, as are most of the watchers I have seen. Except that one with the rotten teeth. Gross.
I furrow my brows. “Who told you that?”
He laughs. “Come on. I can’t tell you that, now can I?” His gaze drops to my ring. “You’ve come to possess some very powerful weapons, Zarla. I think it would be in your best interest to hand them over.” He slowly and subtly grips the handle of his sword, but I catch the movement.