Page 36 of Wings of Death
There’s no response as I scan the field. All the other watchers are down, except one.
“Garron! Let’s go!” Zalore shouts to him and he grabs the wire wrapped around my wrists and starts dragging me toward the gateway.
I wince as the wire cuts into my skin under the pressure. This is it. I’m as good as dead.
Garron jumps through the gateway just as several angels land in the clearing. My focus falls on Amaros, who has never looked so pissed in all the time I have known him. His broad shoulders are hunched, bobbing up and down with every rapid breath he takes. His fists clench at his sides and he zones in on Zalore’s grip on my wrists.
His eyes blaze when he glares at Zalore. “Let. Her. Go. Now,” he demands.
Zalore laughs, releasing my wrists, and backs up toward the gateway. “Very well, Amaros.”
They know each other?
Amaros doesn’t blink while he continues to glare at Zalore. “Leave. Now.”
I spot Finlay amongst the other guards and he steps forward.Who’s watching Kyle?I ask through the mind link.
Not now, Zarla.“Don’t let him go!” he protests. “We should lock him up in the cells!”
Zalore smirks at Amaros before turning and jumping back through the gateway.
Amaros is at my side in a flash, untying the wire from my wrists. He scans my body for injuries before his gaze settles on mine. “Are you hurt?”
The panic in his tone is clear, surprising me somewhat.
“I’m not sure. Maybe. I feel really weak. That wire did something to me. It drained my powers…”
He gives me a knowing look and brushes his fingers over my wrists. “Yes, I have heard of that before. The watchers use it on Earth when they need to detain angels.”
Well, that makes sense, I guess.
“How did he know your name?” I question.
He helps me to my feet, and I sway a little before he scoops me into his arms.
“I am the King’s first guard, Zarla. All angels know who I am. Come on. Let’s get you somewhere safe,” he tells me before taking off into the air.
Although being this close to him bothers me somewhat, there is no way I can fly on my own right now, so it’s probably for the best. That watcher did a real number on me, and I feel like I need to sleep for a week to recover. And then I realise Kyle is probably alone.
“Kyle,” I say with urgency.
Amaros tenses at the mere mention of Kyle’s name.
“Tell Finlay to get back there, at my command,” he says, clearly referring to the mind link.
I try to connect to Finlay, but I’m too weak. “I can’t,” I mumble, my voice sounding weaker by the minute.
“It’s okay. I’ll make sure Kyle is looked after. Don’t waste your energy worrying.”
Before I can argue, I drift into darkness.
My eyes flutter open and my head spins. I’m in my quarters, tucked under the covers of my bed. Amaros is asleep in an armchair to my left. How long have I been out for? I sit forward and immediately regret it when my head throbs. Amaros stirs, sees me sitting up, and hurries to my side.
“Take it easy, Zarla,” he says, gently lowering me back down on the bed.
“Is Kyle okay? Is Finlay with him?” Panic laces my voice, and I try to calm down.
He’s okay,I tell myself. I would know if he isn’t.