Page 67 of Wings of Death
“We’ve got to do this by foot. We won’t be able to see anything from up there,” I explain, and she agrees.
After a few minutes of mental preparation, we step through the edge of the boundary and into the forest. I can understand Lacinda’s fears about the Zelons, but she’ll just have to take my word for it, or see for herself when we no doubt come across one. Or several.
“So, do you know where to go?” Demetros asks as we wind our way between the trees.
The forest plant life starts off sparsely spaced out, but the farther we go into the forest, the thicker it gets, and soon we’re striding through dense bush.
“I’m not sure exactly how to explain it, but I have this feeling, like the forest is speaking to me and guiding me through it.”
Lacinda glances at Demetros, her eyes laced with concern. “A feeling?”
I brush a large leaf out of the way, careful not to spring it back into Demetros’s face. “Yes. Trust me, okay?”
She takes a deep breath. “Okay.”
I catch Demetros watching me, as if he wants to say something, but every time I look at him, he glances away.
“Okay, what is it?” I finally ask.
His forehead wrinkles as he runs a hand through his thick locks. “Tell me to shut up if you don’t wanna talk about this, but what do you plan to do about Hethenos?”
It’s a question I have mulled over many times since learning she was likely the one responsible for my mother’s murder. But I don’t know what to do. Would my father even believe me? I feel as though I need solid proof if I’m going to voice an accusation of that nature to him.
“I’m not sure. I think I need proof,” I say. “My father isn’t going to take it well. I need to be certain if I’m to convince him.”
Demetros brushes his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear as he parts his way through the bushes. “If this all came to light from Kyle’s memories returning, couldn’t you point her out to him, like discreetly, so he can confirm if she is the female he remembers?”
I push my way between some dense bushes, almost tripping in the thick undergrowth, when Lacinda squeals.
“Something touched my leg.” She panics, her voice rising an octave.
I draw my daggers, prepared to slice and dice whatever may be lurking in these bushes with us, when she laughs.
“Sorry, false alarm. I think it was just a leaf.”
I press my lips together as a laugh rumbles up from my chest, and I slide my daggers back into my holders. After about five minutes, the bushes thin out a bit, providing us with much-needed relief. It was tough work pushing our way through that dense bush, and I’m already exhausted.
After about two hours of walking through this forest, I worry whether we are going in the right direction. How much farther can it be? I wasn’t lying when I said I felt as though the forest was guiding me. I close my eyes and home in onthe sense, connecting with the forest. Something is definitely communicating with me, urging me forward.
Lacinda takes in a sharp breath, and my eyes snap open to see a massive male Zelon standing before me. I slowly raise my hand to tell them both to stay put. The last thing we need is for one of them to run off and scare the Zelon.
He takes several steps toward me, crunching leaves and twigs beneath his enormous paws. Once he’s only a couple of feet away, he sniffs me, his nostrils flaring. I hold still, praying to the gods that he’s a Zelon I have already come across. Just maybe he might remember me and know I’m not a threat.
He lowers his head and then rubs his face against mine, and I relax. I stroke the side of his face as he purrs and turns to Lacinda. Her complexion has considerably paled, and her face is clammy as she tries not to move, while Demetros simply stares at the Zelon without blinking.
“It’s okay,” I tell them both. “He’s friendly. Come and meet him.”
Demetros moves a foot forward, and the Zelon snaps his head in his direction, spreading his wings out.
“Maybe slower,” I suggest.
He pauses and holds his hands up.
Lacinda doesn’t move, but Demetros is soon at her side. He takes her hand, slowly leading her over to the Zelon.
She tugs her arm back, shaking her head. “No, no, no, I can’t do it.”
He gently grabs her upper arms. “Yes, you can. I’m right here with you. Look how calm he is,” he says, gesturing to the Zelon. “He won’t harm you.”