Page 79 of Wings of Death
“Who will?” I ask.
Footsteps sound, and I turn to see the guard walking toward me. “Time’s up.”
I turn back to Finlay.Can you hear me?I ask through the mind link.
He doesn’t move.Yes, I can.
Is Hethenos behind this?I ask.
He turns around and eyes the guard before looking at me.Honestly, I don’t know. But Kyle’s right. About what he saw. That’s all I can say.
“Let’s go,” the guard demands, grabbing my arm.
I shrug him off. “Just give me a second,” I say.
Did she send the watchers? Who’s behind this?I’m met with silence as Finlay’s eyes glaze over. Is he crying?Finlay, your life is on the line here! Tell me who sent them.
He doesn’t respond, and the guard grabs my arm and yanks me away. “Time’s up.”
I shrug his hand off again. “Do not touch me.”
I move through the tunnel and back out the way we came. This is bad. Finlay is in serious trouble here, and I don’t doubt for a second that someone has put him up to this. But for him to be this afraid to even tell me is frightening. What more does he have to lose? Yet he still won’t speak.
Zarla,Finlay’s voice fills my mind, and my eyes widen in shock.
The guards stare at me with confused expressions, and I quickly turn and leap off the edge of the rocks, soaring high into the air as rain pelts down on me.
I’m here,I say through the mind link.
I literally can’t tell you who’s behind this, even if I wanted to. But you know them. That’s all I can say.
I frown at his words as tears blur my vision. Finlay’s fear cuts through me.
Your hearing before The Throne is tomorrow. What can I do?I ask helplessly.
I’m greeted with silence.
Finlay?I say desperately.
Nothing. There’s nothing you can do, Zarla. Be careful and watch your back. I would if I could.
The mind link disconnects, and a deep sadness takes hold of me. My vision blurs to the point where I have to land. I fall to the grass and weep for my friend, someone I thought betrayed me.
But it wasn’t his doing. Someone has done something to him, and he can’t even tell me who.
Fear snakes up my back, and I shiver at his words.But you know them.
Whoever is behind this, I know them.
I haven’t been in the Throne room for many years. I remember sneaking in here when I was young and getting told off. The memory seems distant now, from a time when life wasn’t so complicated.
Scanning the room, my gaze settles on Lissian, and she gives me a reassuring smile.
A strong hand grips mine, and I turn to Demetros.
“You okay?” he asks.
I’m not sure how I feel. This entire situation somehow feels like it’s my fault. If I had just gone with Finlay in the first place, Amaros wouldn’t have shown up and taken him back to be locked up. I could’ve got through to Finlay, somehow. I could have broken through this magical gag someone placed over him.